He is a mix of different breeds (: his father was a "Trakehner" and his mother was half "Icelandic horse" half "Haflinger" (: a very special horse with the best qualities of every breed.
I ride him every second day so he has got enough time to relax (:
Your tattoo is amazing!!! The different kinds of birds look great (: Is it a magpie above your elbow?
Wow! You seem to know a lot about horses (:
Yes, sometimes Haflinger can be a little bit rude and very bullish i know it from my horse. But they are also lovely and friendly horses (:
When he is excited, he tolts a little bit sometimes (: but he can't tolt clearly.
But i also have got an icelandic horse (: his name is Snotri and he's 22 years old but i don't ride him anymore. When he was 15 years old, he got problems with his back and so we put him on a huge paddock with other old horses (:
I ride him every second day so he has got enough time to relax (:
Your tattoo is amazing!!! The different kinds of birds look great (: Is it a magpie above your elbow?
Yes, sometimes Haflinger can be a little bit rude and very bullish
When he is excited, he tolts a little bit sometimes (: but he can't tolt clearly.
But i also have got an icelandic horse (: his name is Snotri and he's 22 years old
Ah ok (: it looks fantastic!