Have had a good week so far actually. Besides playing a lot of tennis and frequently visiting the gym I have attempted to catch up and discovered new tv-.series to watch.
Started watching the Following, which was alright to start off with but is starting to aggravate me the further into the story it goes. Not that the acting is poor from all fronts, in fact quite the contrary with some few exceptions the script is just too damn annoying. The fact that the cult seemingly adds characters feels like a bad cop out.
Hannibal the tv.-series started to show here yesterday night and I watched the first episode. It had some potential although the understanding of the criminals from WIll is just too damn unbelievable. That said it is a bit of a acting suicide to take over a character that Anthony Hopkings perfected. Mads is doing a solid job though, sadly he does not have anywhere near the charisma that Hopkings channeled when he was Dr.Lecter. Not sure if that is because of his acting or awkward directing though...
Arrow, tries so hard but really fails to entice me. Maybe because they try a bit too hard a bit like Will Ferrel, Adam Sandler. They do try very hard to make us laugh in their roles and whilst some people piss themselves laughing I cringe in most of their comedies. Speaking of which the Dictator was a serious turd of a movie... Can't actually think of a movie that is as bad. Possibly Scot Pilgrim, there I said it.

Started watching the Following, which was alright to start off with but is starting to aggravate me the further into the story it goes. Not that the acting is poor from all fronts, in fact quite the contrary with some few exceptions the script is just too damn annoying. The fact that the cult seemingly adds characters feels like a bad cop out.
Hannibal the tv.-series started to show here yesterday night and I watched the first episode. It had some potential although the understanding of the criminals from WIll is just too damn unbelievable. That said it is a bit of a acting suicide to take over a character that Anthony Hopkings perfected. Mads is doing a solid job though, sadly he does not have anywhere near the charisma that Hopkings channeled when he was Dr.Lecter. Not sure if that is because of his acting or awkward directing though...
Arrow, tries so hard but really fails to entice me. Maybe because they try a bit too hard a bit like Will Ferrel, Adam Sandler. They do try very hard to make us laugh in their roles and whilst some people piss themselves laughing I cringe in most of their comedies. Speaking of which the Dictator was a serious turd of a movie... Can't actually think of a movie that is as bad. Possibly Scot Pilgrim, there I said it.

Hahaha, I have not felt the need to see either of these shows. Im thinking of starting Shameless because I heard its insane. And Californication. Have you watched either to give me your reviews? Lol. I highly recommend Dexter if you have not. And of course Walking Dead.