Nearly done with preparations for my next attempt at art. Decided that I would try to fully costumize a couple of tennis racquets. So during the last week I have actually been sanding away all the old paint on it. Going to try and make it a tribute to the Czech republic since they did win the Davis Cup this year. Hopefully be able to put a couple of pictures up for it once finished. I will try to incorporate some lead tape and do all the scientific measuring and weighing once it is completed to make it an actual professional racquet rather than the less than adequate ones being sold off the shelves.
Now off to actually try to finish Bayonetta, I know how atrociously late it actually is but actually missed out on this game and only got it a while ago. It is very much enjoyable and I love the actual game play although the storyline and dialogue is just plain cringe worthy... If I was perhaps 13 possibly 14 that would have been completely lost on me because of the main character looks but now it sadly just drags an otherwise great game down.

Now off to actually try to finish Bayonetta, I know how atrociously late it actually is but actually missed out on this game and only got it a while ago. It is very much enjoyable and I love the actual game play although the storyline and dialogue is just plain cringe worthy... If I was perhaps 13 possibly 14 that would have been completely lost on me because of the main character looks but now it sadly just drags an otherwise great game down.