Planned to see Escape the Day today at a local pub in Stockholm and just relax before getting my tatt touched up tomorrow. Things did not turn out as I expected, never been to that venue before. It was a really good bar but the stage could not have been more than 5 square meters (1m = roughly 3'4" in my slightly drunken mind) and escape the day is a 7 man band. The awkwardness was extreme as the band got onto the tiny stage. Half a song later the lead singer (male) cracked the shit and left the stage... I waited for 2h before deciding they would not get back on
So now lying on hotell bed and about to sleep.
Really sucks because they sounded absolutely amazing the few seconds of play they managed. Highly recommend checking them out on YouTube. Nice mix between soft melodic metal and more popular everyday music, in my mind at least

Really sucks because they sounded absolutely amazing the few seconds of play they managed. Highly recommend checking them out on YouTube. Nice mix between soft melodic metal and more popular everyday music, in my mind at least