Tattoo time and very excited!
Nearly time for bed and tomorrow big trip to the capital to get my tattoo finalized as mentioned in yesterdays blog.
Here is the outline of the tattoo
Here's a close up, sorry for bad quality :S
The worst thing is that it makes my old bird tattoo look quite pale in comparison since this one turned out beyond amazing. Going to ask my tattooist if she can do something about it and also build on the arm.

Nearly time for bed and tomorrow big trip to the capital to get my tattoo finalized as mentioned in yesterdays blog.
Here is the outline of the tattoo

Here's a close up, sorry for bad quality :S

The worst thing is that it makes my old bird tattoo look quite pale in comparison since this one turned out beyond amazing. Going to ask my tattooist if she can do something about it and also build on the arm.

And true, I think its about bigging up ordinary daily stuff hehe x