Happy ST.Patricks day!!!

I decided to re-write my journal entery because I was all moody and sad befor LOL.

I went and saw a kick ass local band as I enjoy supporting local bands

any ways the band's name is Am conspiracy and can be found on
myspace.com so check them out please

.I also hung out with some friends and enjoyed many of beers as it was after all St.Patty's day and getting at least a bit drunk is the thing to do although that's not realy my thing any more I still have my momments


Well tomorrow my friends want to take me to the beach so that should be fun....Maybe pictures of that coming soon


Oh and also this is important!->As you may have noticed Canada has way to many sexy girls so please send some of the sexy girls over here to the U.S.,please do this soon as I am going to be sad if this dose not happen(this is a likeness of what I will look like if you sexy girls from Canada don't get here soon->

What ARE the girls like there?