.i know it's time for a new job when i start to feel like bill murray in groundhog day...waking up every day to the same day. man and if i'm talking like this and i was on vacation last week then it must be time for a change....and as i writer this i am late for work...At least i have my ACME video membership back. man, i can't believe i was actually renting at blockbuster and hollywood for 2 years because i had a $22.00 late fee. well i finally sucked it up and am now allowed to rent again at the greatest video store in the world...have gone on a renting craze and i can barely keep up... this week so far: Julien Donkey-boy, Downtown 81, Down By Law, Fishing with John, and The Marx Bros. Duck Soup...which is amazingly poignant today. if you've never seen Duck Soup go get it...amazingly hysterical war/diplomacy spoof piece by the greatest comedy team of all time (with all due respect to the kids in the hall) man i really should go to work now....
I just wrote to mimi...I'm in process of starting up an SGProvidence group, so that should be up soon. Then we'll be a lean, mean, show-going/acme-rental-watching/fez-drinking machine.

yes, yes, your male-ness will not bar you from joining in on the SGProvidence fun-fabrication. I hope the group comes through. it'll make our mayhem-planning much easier, no?