First off thanks for all the advise on my father... iv come to the conclusion that ill give him a chances. take it slow and see what happens, thanks guys.
the lakewood zombie/ food drive, walk was amazing! thanks to OSSguy and the rest of the crew....

to me it was a dream come true, in all honesty 100% i want to be a real brain eating zombie..i wanna brutal, surviving on simple instincts.with no real thought in my decaying mind. unfortunately that is impossible and probably incurable....
so the walk was the second best thing... me and sageroxxx had a great time, we got are makeup done, and then socialized with all the other zombies....we dumped fake blood on my buddy Cody (since he didnt have money for real makeup) and my guy James decided to just be himself... (so i attacked him a few hundred
the street walk was the best...the looks we got where so funny, we attacked a bus stop with one guy in it...he probably shit
all together it was fun, cant wait for the next one. now enjoy the pics

hippy zombie

thats me and the jeans i stayed up all night sanding holes in them..

me trying to make a zombie face....

me and this super cool guy (never caught his name though

bonny bob and cool zombie guy again.

then we found a pirate crew of zombies..that made my day

more zombie faces.

last but not least, me without the face decay and blood....

almost forgot, a cute little stand for us zombies as we did our walk. if i didn't have a hole in all my pockets i wouldn't have lost my last dollar, and if i didn't lose that dollar i so would have bought drinks for my group...darn it...

wondering did any other member of sg show up?
how did i look?
what would you rather be a zombie, vampire or other?
ohhh and MC.Chris is playing the grog shop October 2...go see him..hes so freaking funny live, and a fellow zombie lover....i recorded this video last year (dong mind the really lound dorky laughing towrd the middle, its just me and my brother)
the lakewood zombie/ food drive, walk was amazing! thanks to OSSguy and the rest of the crew....

to me it was a dream come true, in all honesty 100% i want to be a real brain eating zombie..i wanna brutal, surviving on simple instincts.with no real thought in my decaying mind. unfortunately that is impossible and probably incurable....
so the walk was the second best thing... me and sageroxxx had a great time, we got are makeup done, and then socialized with all the other zombies....we dumped fake blood on my buddy Cody (since he didnt have money for real makeup) and my guy James decided to just be himself... (so i attacked him a few hundred
the street walk was the best...the looks we got where so funny, we attacked a bus stop with one guy in it...he probably shit
all together it was fun, cant wait for the next one. now enjoy the pics

hippy zombie

thats me and the jeans i stayed up all night sanding holes in them..

me trying to make a zombie face....

me and this super cool guy (never caught his name though

bonny bob and cool zombie guy again.

then we found a pirate crew of zombies..that made my day

more zombie faces.

last but not least, me without the face decay and blood....

almost forgot, a cute little stand for us zombies as we did our walk. if i didn't have a hole in all my pockets i wouldn't have lost my last dollar, and if i didn't lose that dollar i so would have bought drinks for my group...darn it...

wondering did any other member of sg show up?
how did i look?
what would you rather be a zombie, vampire or other?
ohhh and MC.Chris is playing the grog shop October 2...go see him..hes so freaking funny live, and a fellow zombie lover....i recorded this video last year (dong mind the really lound dorky laughing towrd the middle, its just me and my brother)
yea tim burton usua;;y makes pretty good films, except for that sequal to charlie and chocolate facotory he did
Damn I was going to that but had a to cover a wedding for a friend that got sick. I missed out