It's so hard to crawl outta bed in the morning when your room is freezin except under the covers. It's also kinda nice, though. I enjoy being a polar bear- sometimes I wish my apartment had heat. Le Sigh.
So hmmm? How do you view the fall? I dig the living crud out of it. I like seeing bundled up people and I love being able to see my breath. I love the snap of the cold you get when you step outside.
You know what's best! Going for a long bike ride and stopping and realizing that steam is actually pouring off of you! That's a radical fall bonus.
So hmmm? How do you view the fall? I dig the living crud out of it. I like seeing bundled up people and I love being able to see my breath. I love the snap of the cold you get when you step outside.
You know what's best! Going for a long bike ride and stopping and realizing that steam is actually pouring off of you! That's a radical fall bonus.
I have that same problem getting out of the shower. Oh so toasty warm, but outside it's a bit nippy. But I do enjoy wearing coats, which is a favorite thing about Fall.
I think I'm gonna have to call you about the possibility of Brunch's been far, far too long.