Christmas was nice. We woke up at about 7 to open gifts n such. I got a new camera! It is a Canon PowerShot A360. It is friggin sweet! Also got a new tripod, my old one was broken. And i got a bunch of books about digital photography. My sister friend gave me money to get a domain name so I can build my...
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i woke up around ooh, 9 am. only gifts under the tree for me was a bag of sg shop stuff biggrin

i've got some RAM inbound, as well as some laptop cooler pads too [well i have to order them, going to buy em tomorrow prolly].

my html skills are way out of date, im restricted to using macromedia dreamweaver.

yay for getting a new camera, the digital ones they have those days are so small compared to my small canon...which is about 5 years old now. you gotta have one of those little ones, even if you've got an SLR for serious photography.
ah, so it's one of those larger ones, not quite the size of an slr but bigger than the small ones most people have.

i dont mind trading off size for more control like that. that's one of the things i like about slr's, since the lenses can be changed to whatever you like, and the zoom is a whole lot better than cameras without swappable lenses.

fold out screen is nice to have. i put the camera on something and have to use a remote to snap the pic, but its shooting in the dark since you dont know how it looks until its snapped.
Well I have been home since tuesday
It has been rather grand exept for not seeing my boy, and i shant be able to see him on christmas either, which saddens me.
So wednesday was my sister birthday, I went to the city with her and her friends, we shopped, had dinner, and went to see a show called "Spring Awakening" which is ten kinds...
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not being able to see your bf on christmas sucks.

the christmas tree fell down - that happened once here a long time ago. parents learned the hard way why you dont use an old stand that can barely hold the tree. replaced the stand with a big heavy metal one and have not had a tree fall down since. a tree falling on a cat would have been really bad, but i think the cat would be fast enough to run out of the way. otherwise there could have been major issues.

what phone you using now? i'm on a vx6100 from verizon - about a year and change old but i have customized the heck out of it and love it. parents/sister have moto razrs from verizon [hacked to allow ringtone upload from computer] and an lg vx 5300. i like customizing phones from the computer, i'd rather hack the thing than have to pay a few $ for a pre made ring tone tongue it's not too difficult but you need to know what you're doing.

your comment on spoiled kids and presents reminded me of some commercial i saw at my neighbors place while i was there earlier today that had kids fighting over a nintendo 64 and it was somehow a commercial for a BMW. i was like wtf when i saw that.

anyway, happy christmas and i hope you get some good gifts!
Yup, finals is over. I shall be leaving school tomorrow. I have started to move my stuff into my new room for next semester, I am quite thrilled about moving in there, so I don't have to be around m twat of a roommate, or be around guys too long.
On the 15th i went to my dorm and saw the sign out list (when...
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your roomate signing out then coming back - umm yeah, like wtf. seems to me like she wanted you to get in trouble or something like that...

you'll be out of there really soon anyway....
I think I know where that place is, I've never been there but I think I know where it is. It's somewhere on Rt 17 in Mahwah, it's on the site of the highway going away from NY, it's past the ramsey rt 17 train station, near some car dealerships.

Maybe that's another diner, I dunno.

Never been there though...but let me know if you're going to be in the area sometime during winter break, I'm home this friday through next monday. Then I leave NJ for a bit, come back dec 29th and stay in north jersey till jan 14th.
I don't know why, but I have been having a lot of dreams where someone is either beating the shit out of me, or attempting to rape me. And some of the people in the dreams have little to nothing to do with me. It's wierd. I don't know why I dream that. I am never afraid of people phsysically. If someone threatrens to beat...
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im new to nj just thought ide say hello! (just moving in today)
could be about the domination
Wow, i worked today for a few hours, I usually work weekends, wtf, i got more tips workin for three hours than I do workin an entire weekend. You people should come visit me at work on weekends. DO IT! It will amuse me!

I am eating a muffin...mmm muffin...
i havent been to work in a while...then again there hasnt been anything to do with work. the last thing i had to do for work was go to a meeting which i ended up being able to skip anyway...
what kind of muffin?
Meh. So, as usual, I have been living in my best friends room. More so than usual. I just go back to my room to shower and get things.Later this semester I shall be moving my stuff out.
By the way, i got my best friend an account for his birthday he is LaphromiPilotX go friend him, he is awesome
Well I have some work...
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how do you register for classes at your school? here it's you register via the interweb on a certain day based on # of credits and that day there is always a rush to get onto the server, which is slow as can be.

they want to rework registration here so it sucks less, and hopefully that plan will get off of the ground.

hope you can get all the work sorted out and still be able to sleep a bit.
don't rush yourself to much ok ^_^ take it slow lady!
it seems you have a lot of stuff going on!
mer mer mer
spent the past 2 night drinking with friends, and it was fun. Last night I was at my friend Aaron's house and we were all watchin that comedian that uses the puppets. Gah it was so funny. It made me giggle large! Then we watched space nuts. Speakin of nuts, this guy in the movie had these nuts that kept MOVING. I...
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you had a nice break there biggrin
I don't know why, but I find this song romantic
The Proposal
Well I am home for thanksgiving break, Thank gods. I needed to get away from school. I just needed a different environment.
hehe, this song "After The Lovin" is makin me happy.
good to be back home, isnt it???
WOOT! This awesome cover bands called "The Nerds" came to our school (don't confuse Nerds with THE NERDS, they are very different). The Nerds are a cover band who mostly do gigs in NJ, CT, and PA. But they are friggin awesome. They have had a good amount of television spots as well.
I had a great time. It was the first concert...
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nice, getting to see a good band and knowing the lead singer too.
It was a great hurdle, letting the lip ring heal instead of playing with it till it got infected...so a congratulations was kind of in order....

and i shall rock the mullet...or at least die trying.
Well, for the past 2 weeks I have been basically living in my friends' dorm with my boyfriend. At the end of week one we discovered my best friend's girlfriend's mother would shelter my boyfriend till he can get on his feet. He stayed here with me one more week. We just dropped him off at the apartment a couple of towns over a few...
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good luck with that.
true romance still exists (and I don't just mean the movie)
maybe you guys got it (I don't have a clue)
and if you do, more power to ya