H-o-l-y shit! This is hilarious. Go here and get your text traslated by Gizoogle. Read my previous post first, then read this translation:
I dont have mizzle ta say at this point, its so early in mah day . Boo-Yaa!. I just gots tired of perpetratin' that S-I-Double-Lizzy picture in tha mutha fuckin club.
I could rap `bout how stoked I am to increase tha peace. I hope theres more ta it thizzay J-to-tha-izzust tha Honeymoon Period, coz theres a whole new optimistic glow `bout every day n tha future in general. Its not overpower'n n overly dramatic, its jiznust a pure, simple, honest sweetness ta everyth'n where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin'.
I wizzy ta an amaz'n pizzay wit Robby tha cracka day. Its gorgeous, it had Chinese style trippin' n statues all over wit fountains, gardens, ponds mah nizzle.
Oh gizzle i saw tha funniest blunt-rollin'. we were look'n down at a dizzay in a pond who was quack'n at us n swimm'n in our direction, we could also see a gigantic F-to-tha-izzish just kickin it in tha muck , ya feel me?. we watched as tha fish started ta trail behind tha duck, you could jizzay hizzy tha suspensizzles jaws music...and R-to-tha-izzight wizzle tha dizzle was almost ta tha shore tha F-to-tha-izzish lunged n bit him in tha fizzle n thiznat duck let out tha biggest squack n spun around like "what tha fuck?!". tha fizzle hung out in tha shadows n did this several times, i laughed so hard mah eyes wizzy tear'n.
Whizzay is tha world com'n to, fish perpetratin' ducks n all?
I dont have mizzle ta say at this point, its so early in mah day . Boo-Yaa!. I just gots tired of perpetratin' that S-I-Double-Lizzy picture in tha mutha fuckin club.
I could rap `bout how stoked I am to increase tha peace. I hope theres more ta it thizzay J-to-tha-izzust tha Honeymoon Period, coz theres a whole new optimistic glow `bout every day n tha future in general. Its not overpower'n n overly dramatic, its jiznust a pure, simple, honest sweetness ta everyth'n where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin'.
I wizzy ta an amaz'n pizzay wit Robby tha cracka day. Its gorgeous, it had Chinese style trippin' n statues all over wit fountains, gardens, ponds mah nizzle.
Oh gizzle i saw tha funniest blunt-rollin'. we were look'n down at a dizzay in a pond who was quack'n at us n swimm'n in our direction, we could also see a gigantic F-to-tha-izzish just kickin it in tha muck , ya feel me?. we watched as tha fish started ta trail behind tha duck, you could jizzay hizzy tha suspensizzles jaws music...and R-to-tha-izzight wizzle tha dizzle was almost ta tha shore tha F-to-tha-izzish lunged n bit him in tha fizzle n thiznat duck let out tha biggest squack n spun around like "what tha fuck?!". tha fizzle hung out in tha shadows n did this several times, i laughed so hard mah eyes wizzy tear'n.
Whizzay is tha world com'n to, fish perpetratin' ducks n all?