Falling asleep while reading "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe" can produce some very strange dreams. I dreamt I was at the Restaurant at the End of The Universe waiting for a performance by Disaster Area.
Does anyone know of an excellent tattoo artist around here? I'm gearing up to get one someday soon, and this time it's going to be done right. I want someone who is a trained artist, not just a tattoo artist. Someone who understands gesture, rhythm, line quality. Do they exist?
Random Nara:

Does anyone know of an excellent tattoo artist around here? I'm gearing up to get one someday soon, and this time it's going to be done right. I want someone who is a trained artist, not just a tattoo artist. Someone who understands gesture, rhythm, line quality. Do they exist?
Random Nara:

This would make an excellent tattoo. If i still lived in the bay area I could recomend someone! But, i dont so, since I have a bit of ink done, I can offer a little advice? Dont go for an artist that cuts you a deal. It probubly too good to be true.
Happy St. Patties day!