I'm in the burgeoning a metropolis of Winnipeg at the moment, and the thing I notice the most is that everywhere I go, I see these "no skateboarding" signs. They're on every street corner downtown.
It makes me sad. Not sad in the way I might be if the signs said "No colored people allowed" or anything like that, but it is nonetheless a small...
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It makes me sad. Not sad in the way I might be if the signs said "No colored people allowed" or anything like that, but it is nonetheless a small...
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Eatery Event

I think I've reached my threshold, as far as holiday partying goes. So this year, I'm taking the bold step of staying home and drinking wine with one the loveliest girls it's ever been my privilege to meet. What more could one ask for?
I know had something I wanted to say right now. I'll formulate a thought tomorrow.
I know had something I wanted to say right now. I'll formulate a thought tomorrow.

how was ur weekend??
It's been a while since I wrote last, mostly because I like to keep my best thoughts to myself.
happy Hollidaze and stuff
happy birthday!!!

To paraphrase LL, I "just got back from Cali", which included a lot of surfing, chicken and waffles, and a visit to Coachella. Do you remember the Simpsons Halloween episode when Homer is sent to the Ironic Punishment Division of Hell, where hes force-fed donuts for all eternity? Coachella can feel like that (at first); theres 90 bands on 5 stages, some of them great,...
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I know it's kind of a left turn to go from talking bout human suffering to what turns me on, but I can't help it. I just saw the extremely lovely Rachel Weisz on The Daily Show. She was sporting a pixie haircut. I got so lightheaded I almost passed out.
yummy. And the british accent! She's so prim and propper. God bless the motherland.
If youve seen the tragedy unfolding in Southeast Asia, and have been moved, then youre like a lot of people; youre horrified by human suffering, and want to do something to ease it.
Without diminishing whats happening in the wake of the tsunami, let me tell you about some other human suffering. About 230,000 people have died in that disaster, but a third of that...
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Without diminishing whats happening in the wake of the tsunami, let me tell you about some other human suffering. About 230,000 people have died in that disaster, but a third of that...
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I agree with you completely and while I give a little less financially than you, I do pretty much the same thing and I also volunteer for various organizations. My point, I guess, is that whether or not it is making a very small impact, it still feels a bit hopeless. This is not going to prevent me from making an effort... but it's a little exhausting to feel like I'm not really making an impact.
i don't think that people should feel good for giving to the tsunami relief effort. because that's the only reason that they're contributing- so they can feel better about themselves and forget about it. its that type of touchey-feely "feel good because you gave something" shit that gets in the way of issues like the AIDS effort that you are talking about.
kudos for writing this entry.
kudos for writing this entry.
I think everyone on this site either knows or is a scenester. By that, I mean that person in every group who likes shit before it's cool, and hates it at the precise moment when everyone thinks it's cool too.
If you havent noticed the scenesters, Ill point them out for you; theyre the ones who brag about smoking a j with Jack White at...
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If you havent noticed the scenesters, Ill point them out for you; theyre the ones who brag about smoking a j with Jack White at...
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Good rant! For an insight on scenesters and their role in society, check out Malcolm Gladwell's book The Tipping Point. It was hip to read about a year before a friend gave it to me last summer, so you and I are safely behind the curve. But it's a great read.
Anyway, Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're actually interested in SGMC will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.
Anyway, Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're actually interested in SGMC will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.
Welcome to SGMC!
Write an intro in New Members, and make yourself at home. I learned on a Silver Wing cx500, maybe that's why I'm addicted to Moto Guzzis.
I just noticed that you have Snow Crash in your fav books list. Stephenson may be my all-time favorite author.
See ya round.
Write an intro in New Members, and make yourself at home. I learned on a Silver Wing cx500, maybe that's why I'm addicted to Moto Guzzis.
I just noticed that you have Snow Crash in your fav books list. Stephenson may be my all-time favorite author.
See ya round.
I don't think there's a word the makes me fly into a rage quite like "zeitgeist". It's the kind of word that scenesters and pretentious art/culture snobs use to sound smart, but do so without the self-awareness to understand how stupid it really sounds. If you were to say to me something like "This books really captures the zeitgeist", I can assure that as I...
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Nice rant. Also, I heard something interesting from someone the other day about tsunami funds. Sooooo many people are showing their support for them, lots of cash is flying around (which isn't bad or anything), but it's interesting that it took a huge, "cool to watch on tv" kind of natural disaster for many people to give a damn about those countries.
Hunger and preventable diseases kill way more people in those areas that natural disasters do, and there's not really a good reason for this. This world has the resources to save millions of lives, never mind the *relatively* small numbers that might be saved with the $2 Billion relief operation.
I guess when I think about it, personally I'd rather die from, or be a survivor of (with probably many friends or family dead) a natural disaster than live with starvation and disease my whole life.
Maybe this world is just so jaded to things like starvation that it takes something shocking for people to start caring. I don't know. This planet is just too fucked to comprehend.
Don't take this as criticism or anything, it's not really directed at you or anyone. You just reminded me of that. I'm also not opposed to tsunami relief funds either, just trying to bring up something that I've been thinking about.
Hmm, I think I should post this on my page.
Hunger and preventable diseases kill way more people in those areas that natural disasters do, and there's not really a good reason for this. This world has the resources to save millions of lives, never mind the *relatively* small numbers that might be saved with the $2 Billion relief operation.
I guess when I think about it, personally I'd rather die from, or be a survivor of (with probably many friends or family dead) a natural disaster than live with starvation and disease my whole life.
Maybe this world is just so jaded to things like starvation that it takes something shocking for people to start caring. I don't know. This planet is just too fucked to comprehend.
Don't take this as criticism or anything, it's not really directed at you or anyone. You just reminded me of that. I'm also not opposed to tsunami relief funds either, just trying to bring up something that I've been thinking about.

Hmm, I think I should post this on my page.
Maybe it's the season, but I've been given a lot a thought to something Vaclav Havel wrote...
Hope is a state of mind, not of the world . . . Either we have hope or we don't; it is a dimension of the soul, and it's not essentially dependent on some particular observation of the world or estimate of the situation.
Hope is not prognostication....
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Hope is a state of mind, not of the world . . . Either we have hope or we don't; it is a dimension of the soul, and it's not essentially dependent on some particular observation of the world or estimate of the situation.
Hope is not prognostication....
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Thanks for the message
Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're actually interested in SGMC will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.