What's the next best thing to a date of talking heads, cabin boy, and men's pocky?
A phone conversation...duh!
After hearing my lovely phone voice, no doubt the mission is accomplished...for now.
She has the cutest phone voice. She sounds sweet and innocent. She is a huge dork. She laughs a lot. Be jealous! (unless you are FreakPirate, then your ears should be burning)

A phone conversation...duh!
After hearing my lovely phone voice, no doubt the mission is accomplished...for now.
She has the cutest phone voice. She sounds sweet and innocent. She is a huge dork. She laughs a lot. Be jealous! (unless you are FreakPirate, then your ears should be burning)

I love Sarah Vaughan. I have only been listening to her for about 10 years. I deeply regret that I never discovered her some time prior to that.