My first new blog in four months,enjoy!
A Redhead's Romance
Its been awhile, six months exactly since we met and its been quite the adventure; first I was introduced to her sister, a lovely woman with of all things a pet peacock Percy, she told the story of shed snatched on a dare from the Brookfield Zoo with the best part being about her trying...
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A Redhead's Romance
Its been awhile, six months exactly since we met and its been quite the adventure; first I was introduced to her sister, a lovely woman with of all things a pet peacock Percy, she told the story of shed snatched on a dare from the Brookfield Zoo with the best part being about her trying...
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awwww cute.
One way of understanding better what a film is trying to say is to know how it is saying it.
This is and interesting explanation of how a movie brings a message forward to you the viewer as well as speaking to them. Every movie approaches the task differently, takes for instance American Pie when the character of Jim played by Jason Biggs is caught...
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This is and interesting explanation of how a movie brings a message forward to you the viewer as well as speaking to them. Every movie approaches the task differently, takes for instance American Pie when the character of Jim played by Jason Biggs is caught...
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Liberty of the Intellect
How education paved the way for revolution
Throughout the course of mankinds existence on this planet, being either declared or displaying evidence of intellect, intelligence or liberalism has been often met with harsh resistance and criticism. When one would bring forth an idea or system that did not adhere to the standard ideology of the present time or place (whether or...
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How education paved the way for revolution
Throughout the course of mankinds existence on this planet, being either declared or displaying evidence of intellect, intelligence or liberalism has been often met with harsh resistance and criticism. When one would bring forth an idea or system that did not adhere to the standard ideology of the present time or place (whether or...
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Lady and the Can
By Augusto R. Gonzalez
On Friday September 11th of this year, possibly the weirdest thing happened. I was at the Division Ale House celebrating the birthdays of a couple of coworkers Matt & Ray; we had a few drinks and shot the shit. About an hour in I went to the bathroom, while going a lady came in, she had short...
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By Augusto R. Gonzalez
On Friday September 11th of this year, possibly the weirdest thing happened. I was at the Division Ale House celebrating the birthdays of a couple of coworkers Matt & Ray; we had a few drinks and shot the shit. About an hour in I went to the bathroom, while going a lady came in, she had short...
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thats a very big compliment, thank you !
In this divided and partisan society, individual and collective behavior can be narrowed down to two simple but cruel realities. The first is something weve all hear once in our lives yet can have many definitions as well as degrees (an in the eye of the beholder deal) from individual to individual or culture to culture. This is shame, it can bring people to their...
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The 20th century can be summoned-up by two nations with two different systems. The United States with its constitutional republic and pen market process of capitalism, the other is the Soviet Union with its dictatorial bodies the Kremlin and the Pollock Bureau and their practice of communism with its central planning and sanctioned rationing. These two became sworn enemies and proclaimed that one day they...
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The liberal thinker Laozi said that which is meddling, touching everything, will work but ill and disappointment bring his solution to this dilemma was to do without doing better known in our time as laissez-faire. In our books opening chapter the readers presented with the situation of a couple who bore a pair of Siamese twins. The physician who performed the delivery tells the couple...
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Hi Augie, good to see you here! Don't forget to upload a profile picture so we can see your face.
Hope you're well!

Hope you're well!
Youth, juvenile, the under age, these are the names used to classify young people in our country. Theyre adored at birth and feared as they grow older compounded by an epidemic of hypocrisy. For example, when a child does well, say exceeding academically or is good at a particular talent such as ballet or basketball, then this young individual is praised as those around him...
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You are a very cultured person. I love to have you as a friend.
Someone once said the word that we use to know, people tell me it dont turn no more, the places we use to go and familiar faces that aint smilin like before, the time of our time has come and gone I we been waiting too long yet is there a meaning to this and if so what it? Better yet, who finds that meaning...
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This ain't your grandpa's blog,I wrote as a philosophy paper to see if I could raise some eye brows get the last bits of conservative out of me;reader's discretion's advised.
Separation, division, classification all words meant people, places and things apart from each other. We use them as reference to give meaning upon objects as well as people. Of how theyre different from us and...
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Separation, division, classification all words meant people, places and things apart from each other. We use them as reference to give meaning upon objects as well as people. Of how theyre different from us and...
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You dont have to say you love me just because you can, you dont have to stay forever darling I will understand the ideas of love have been explored by a great number of individuals from all walks of life for a great number of years. Ideas concerning other emotions have also had their fair share of scrutiny such as sorrow, pride and hate yet...
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wow, you are a great writer!