I didn't share what my surgery is because I didn't think anyone would want that many details. I think it sounds very disturbing.
I have what are called uterine fibroids. They are benign tumors that grow in and around the uterus. I think it sounds so gross. They don't know what causes them. I saw some pictures of what they look like; I can't believe that I have something like that growing inside of me.
Anyhow, they usually only occur in women over the age of 35. I am only 20. My doctor was in complete shock. They usually do a hysterectomy to rid of them because it is the only guaranteed way to rid of them. They typically grow back after surgery. The fibroids themselves make you (well, me) infertile as well. If I were to try to have a child right now I would have a very high likleyhood of miscarriaging (I'm not trying or anything).
There are four different methods to remove fibroids. Three make the woman infertile, only one has the chance of perservation.
The surgery they will most likely be performing on me is called abdominal myomectomy. They cut open the abdomen, followed by the uterus. The remove the tumors and then they have to try to restore the uterus because the fibroids disfigure it (that is what causes infertility). This is the only procedure that can preserve fertility, as mentioned above. That is why they will do this one. It is also the most invasive procedure. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger...and everything happens for a reason?
That is probaly enough detail about that...
My roommate and I are watching Old School. I heard it is really funny, but I am not really paying attention.
I also dyed my hair red for the third time this month
The color just does not want to stay! It will this time , though, because I mixed manic panic with my conditioner. I am hoping that will work!
I am in a much better mood. I am kind of happy because I won't have the surgery for about month in a half. I am so scared!
I don't want to think about it anymore!
I can return to my typical light-hearted demeanor.
Thanks to anyone who commented! I really appreciate it and you guys are so so sweet! Thanks for all the support!
I have what are called uterine fibroids. They are benign tumors that grow in and around the uterus. I think it sounds so gross. They don't know what causes them. I saw some pictures of what they look like; I can't believe that I have something like that growing inside of me.
Anyhow, they usually only occur in women over the age of 35. I am only 20. My doctor was in complete shock. They usually do a hysterectomy to rid of them because it is the only guaranteed way to rid of them. They typically grow back after surgery. The fibroids themselves make you (well, me) infertile as well. If I were to try to have a child right now I would have a very high likleyhood of miscarriaging (I'm not trying or anything).
There are four different methods to remove fibroids. Three make the woman infertile, only one has the chance of perservation.
The surgery they will most likely be performing on me is called abdominal myomectomy. They cut open the abdomen, followed by the uterus. The remove the tumors and then they have to try to restore the uterus because the fibroids disfigure it (that is what causes infertility). This is the only procedure that can preserve fertility, as mentioned above. That is why they will do this one. It is also the most invasive procedure. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger...and everything happens for a reason?
That is probaly enough detail about that...
My roommate and I are watching Old School. I heard it is really funny, but I am not really paying attention.
I also dyed my hair red for the third time this month

I am in a much better mood. I am kind of happy because I won't have the surgery for about month in a half. I am so scared!

I can return to my typical light-hearted demeanor.

Thanks to anyone who commented! I really appreciate it and you guys are so so sweet! Thanks for all the support!

and for what relatively little one can gather from your words alone, i reckon you are blessed with a healthy dose of ameliesqueness yourself. you are adorable.
as for the surgery...i don't know if staying light-hearted and optimistic about it will help, but it certainly can't hurt! and besides...my nascient intuition (pisces=the last and worst) is telling me that you're going to be just fine...so there you go.