Anybody remember what was going down about this time last year? Yeah.....I'm having a hard time jogging my memory too. Besides the fact of absent mindedness. I dug deep, and figured it out!
Its my one year sg birthday! Seriously folks, this took me a while to put together. Considering when my debut set Knit Cap hit member review, it kind of happened instantly. I believe the date the set hit was November 24, 2012 or something of the sort. There I go, being forgetful all over again. Either way, life has been the same. Just keep on doing what I'm doing, and loving it with every ounce in me. Expressing life through blogs is only a small fraction of the joy. Living in the moments I have gotten the chance to be a part is the biggest pleasure. Living another day on this beautiful, yet fucked up planet is a pleasure. A pleasure some lose way to soon. I am so grateful to be around. Around the beautiful, and the ugly too.
Having met all the wonderful souls this past year, along with bad ones. Some through suicidegirls. Some just in the local cafe or a local show. Everyone has a story to be shared and it shows through them so much. Almost like you can tell where they have been and how they felt in a moment in time. You just really have to take whats given to you and shape it to how you want yourself to be. Shape yourself, without regret and without influence. This life is so beautiful! So much love and warmth to be shared with people who actually care. Not the people just trying to use you for their own advances. Though, figuring out between those two can be hard to tell. Share your feelings. Spread love where ever you find yourself. Or hate, if you find it necessary and a benefit for yourself. Though in my belief, it will only poison you.
I'm not one to brag. I'm not one to really care for hate or smack talking. Honestly, it gives me strength. Just the same as love gives me strength. The way love gives each and every one of us strength. That feeling of being accepted for who you truly are. Not just what some social media portrays you as. I would much prefer for you all to really understand the real me. The me you see here is the outside beauty that can only be skin deep for some. Some of you actually read these blogs and feel me through them. The person I actually am and try to convey through writing. Considering I really do like to write things down and connect through the notes.
I suppose to stop my rant and get to a point before majority of you completely lose interest in this blog. I want to thank you. Thank you so much for being you. Some days of being here on suicidegirls I feel overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with support and loving words. It truly hits me hard in my chest. Weather it's about a set that is in member review. If it involves my life and things going on. As well as the support of me as a mother-to-be. I thank you all for everything! The SG title would not be beside my name without any of you. I just hope you all really think I deserve it. Not deserve it for me, but deserve it for you! I love you guys. I love this community. Let's keep it going until the last step we can take.
There is a good chance I will be blogging before Christmas. I wouldn't miss wishing every one a happy holiday!
Also folks, thank you for everyone checking out this ladies etsy shop! Considering my employer is stiffing me, I have so much free time. It gets boring. Then I check etsy and its like WAOH, same feelings here on SG. Teehe <3
if you want to see bump photos, or the etsy shop, or just chat. Here are some links. Along with some humor.... ;D

instagram @ohhmaryann