red, you look tired
you look older than your mother
where should i not touch
what should i not kiss
where does it hurt
red, in you slumber
you look younger, so much stronger
honey on your breath,
heaven in your head
WOW, you havent been around for a while. hope everything is alright. take it easy, then. surreal
hey hun...just wanted to check in and see how you're doing...hope all is well! thinkin about ya round here!

kisses kiss
so i'm going to be seeing belle and sebastian AND rasputina on the 13th AND rufus wainwright on the 16th. i was thinking of going to s&b this saturday here in toronto but it was too expensive to go without m0use being here. what i am really interested in seeing is rasputina.

and i plan on getting m0use to take me to kill bill and...
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the robot robot robot robot just looks like a space skull, like...if there were a japanese version of the skull, it would look like this: robot robot robot


But what would a Japanese robot look like?
*eating cookie*

That's a robot? I always thought it was a freaky looking skull. Yes, a space skull it is then.
oh my goodness flux is the cutest ever! love
bemoan smile
nevermind, the tickets are taken care of, thanks!
I would if I were anywhere near Toronto, babe. frown Of course, if I were, I'd bemoan missing you as you skipped town and went to Boston.

Hope everything is ok. kiss
i was walking along minding my own little business and realizing just how big my umbrella i borrowed really was (it seemed to take up the entire sidewalk) when i heard something HISS and jump about 2 feet away. i move the umbrella and look down....there i see the largest biggest SKUNK you could ever imagine. it must be living off leftover mcdonald's and pizza...
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That has happened to me on a few occasions. I ran into an entire family of man-eating skunks one time in the early morning while on a jog.
Dude. Teeeeee-rust me. When a skunk sprays you... you know. There's no "hey dude smell me, I think a skunk sprayed me" It's like your neighbour from two blocks away is callin you on the phone goin "Dude! Fucking get some tomato juice (or Clamato if you're in Canada) and start scrubbin! That shit stinks!"

But yesh. Scary shit.

Them and racoons are fucked up, yo. Stay away from that shit.

i'm in my new room.

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
new room. right on. tell us about it.
well, i guess i'm going to tegan and sara tonight...mostly inspired by the panic that ensued after mandymo told me it was their last tour before they work on their new album. besides, i NEED that tegan and sara underwear

hopefully my taping of survivor tonight goes well, otherwise i'll be a very happy but sad girl tomorrow. rufus makes the entire show rock

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i'm so scared i'm going to cry....

there are crazy people living in this house...crazy.. they're fighting like fuck upstairs... it's REALLY bad... i want to call the cops....

this brings a new meaning to hysteria. seriously. it's really bad...really bad...really bad...........

yelling, screaming, FIGHTING, crying, hysteria, it's fucking crazy. i think there were knives involved....

there's running and yelling..i'm scared...

i'm scared.

this is...
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I used to call 911 on my old neighbors at least once a week. Thought someone was dying.

So she's the stud huh? And you?