*now playing- System of a Down: Toxicity (It's been on repeat for about 5 hours
watup homies
hmmm not really done much in that past coupla days.. just been waiting for the recruitment dudes to get back to me.
been out training alot of the time too, but its been damn cold
bloody english weather
i need lots of new stuff for my bike, its getting weak n needs to be stronger dammit! everything is soo expensive tho. small bits of metal cost as much as.. well they cost alot.
i got good news yesterday too. my mum wants to buy property in the UK, so i can have one of the houses she wants to buy. well not 'have' it but ill get to live in it, WOO HOO! so im currently on the lookout for decent places for her. currently im thinking some nice penthouse apartments in leeds or something, although i have a feeling she'll disagree. but anyway i could have my own house in, like, 6 weeks! better get saving for that plasma tv hey
i went driving again today. i have the 3 point turn mastered. well, not mastered but i didnt do anything wrong this time, i just went a little slowly that's all. driving in the dark is alot harder than it seems, like when ur in the passenger seat it doesnt seem different to during the day.. but it is when ur in control
that's all chaps, for now anyway

watup homies

hmmm not really done much in that past coupla days.. just been waiting for the recruitment dudes to get back to me.
been out training alot of the time too, but its been damn cold

i got good news yesterday too. my mum wants to buy property in the UK, so i can have one of the houses she wants to buy. well not 'have' it but ill get to live in it, WOO HOO! so im currently on the lookout for decent places for her. currently im thinking some nice penthouse apartments in leeds or something, although i have a feeling she'll disagree. but anyway i could have my own house in, like, 6 weeks! better get saving for that plasma tv hey

i went driving again today. i have the 3 point turn mastered. well, not mastered but i didnt do anything wrong this time, i just went a little slowly that's all. driving in the dark is alot harder than it seems, like when ur in the passenger seat it doesnt seem different to during the day.. but it is when ur in control
that's all chaps, for now anyway


What are you training for?