This semester is so close to being over! Summer is going to be wonderful. My number one goals are to get a new car and make lots of money. I need a car sooooooo badly. I need a good job soooooo badly. It sounds like buying a car and making money are two things that can't really happen at the same time but I can...
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If I kissed you where it's sore, would you feel better?
Would you feel anything at all?
Would you feel anything at all?
i hate everything and everyone.
I am not kind.
I am not kind.
Things I love today
1. Art shows in The Bronx
2. Max Brenner
3. The Link
4. Pissing people off
5. Riding on the train
6. Queer images
Things I hate today
1. Freezing cold weather
2. Insomnia
3. Capitalism
4. People being racist and ignorant and thinking they are right
5. Sermons
6. American Literature 1
1. Art shows in The Bronx
2. Max Brenner
3. The Link
4. Pissing people off
5. Riding on the train
6. Queer images
Things I hate today
1. Freezing cold weather
2. Insomnia
3. Capitalism
4. People being racist and ignorant and thinking they are right
5. Sermons
6. American Literature 1
.... he knew it was all nada y pues nada y nada y pues nada. Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but deliver us...
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Though I myself am not big on photography, that can definitely be applied to some of the other passions in my life. Amazing quote, even when taken out of context. 

I feel sorry for anyone that has to experience it, and I try to use it sparingly, but my attitude, my wrath, is really a force to be reckoned with. People are ussually put off or intimidated by me at first impression, but once they get to know me they are surprised that I'm nothing like that. I guess that's only half true though.

When did you get so cute? I am in love! see below.
So, I'm not really into this whole new layout thing. It makes it easier for people to be all up in eachothers' business. I'm not really down with that. I am quite secretive. I like my privacy and my secrets. On a more postive note, I am doing so much more work in the darkroom. It is very cathartic for me, almost like crying. I...
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For every boy who is burdened with the constant expectation of knowing everything, there is a girl TIRED OF PEOPLE NOT TRUSTING HER INTELLIGENCE.
For every girl who feels underestimated in the face of a man there is a man taking her for granted...
I want my own apartment so I can have free space and decorate it how i want and be alone and not be bothered by people that I don't like and roommates who don't clean or get toilet paper. I should definately look into that. I want one of those beds that is inside a wall. Like a little cove with doors. I mean, it's...
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yay for living alone! yay for weekends away! have fun
i wish i had one of those beds too...and my own space...roommates hasn't been the same since high school...when my mother used to let all of my friends move in with us after their loser parents stopped caring...i miss those days...