Ive been lost now
days uncounted
and its months since
I've seen home
Heaven help me
Heaven help me
take this stranger
from my boat
I gotta go cause I got's me a drop-top, and if I hit the switch I can make that asssssss drop.....

Yesterday was an angry day...

wait at the restaurant was an hour, anger
neighbor who needs me to hook up her cable, anger
friend who calls 10 times in a row waking me up to fix his computer, anger

The worst part of knowing...
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i'm glad it was a good day. anger is not good for the ticker. tends to make it explode
Time spent alone:

Yesterday I caught up on sleep.....much sleep! Aside from getting up to feed the cats and urinate, get mcdonalds for breakfast/lunch and smoke a blunt, I didn't really wake up until 830pm. Got up, watched heroes, smoked more pot, toiled some more, and went back to bed. I need some stimulation in my life to break up the restlessness I feel on...
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yeah :/
its good to have down time sometimes but i also feel lost when i have nothing i have to do
so i've been craving a new modification. there's this piece of...flesh? epithelial (sp)? something, webbing, that goes between your gums upper lip. the technical term for this is frenulim (sp) but it is also referred to as a "door knocker" piercing (because if you picture an old school door knocker and your gums are the door, yea, you get it). i had it done once...
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I ussualy think this piercing is very hot, but I have only seen it on girls. I think I could see it on you. I vote yes.
Thanx for the advice! kiss
Cute kitty!!
I love kitties!
Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don't know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say
Thanks bebe!
Work sucks
Low blood sugar sucks
Tolerance (the kind i battle) sucks
Life...is groovy
blegh whatever
yeah,im pretty happy that i get to work at a place that serves good food. happy times. and yeah, my day seems to be evolving into a week.... meh
Diet for a healthy happy Adam:

8mg Dilaudid
50mg Tramadol
90mg Roxicet

Now those of you in the know might ask yourselves. "why, adam? why take pills at doses that could literally kill a small elephant?" Well, I'll tell you. A) Moderation is for pussies, B) Generous portions increase my potential for success, and C) I am on a campaign to prove that I am...
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Ha Ha! Your great!!!

Much admiration.........

shocked surreal
and a happy new year wink
thanks for the nice comment on my set!
life i love you

all is groovy

(shanananananana feelin groovy)
hello lamppost
what you doin
iv come to see your garden growing
dont you have a ryme for me
doot n doodoo feelin groovy
slow down, you move too fast
you've got to make the morning last
just kickin' down the cobble-stones
lookin' for fun and feelin' groovy
saw the departed last night and my god that was a great movie! came home after and watched Dexter, and that was an insanely great episide........love it when the entertainment i am being fed tastes good!

ive been on a weird sleeping schedule and falling asleep at like 5-6am every morning for about 6 hours, my sarcadian (sp) rhythm is all fucked up, gotta fix...
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DEXTER was AMAZING last night!!!!!! The minute I saw the doctor in his office with the fake hand i thought he was the ITK!!!! I just KNEW it! And i was right!! eeks!!! soooooo good! eeek eeek biggrin
Being sick on a whole SUCKS, but it does have its benefits. I have acquired an "Upper Respritory Infection" which (like most times I get sick) has taken my voice....I LOVE not being able to speak, or better yet, not being expected to speak. It seems to make life much more convenient, and it got me the night off tonight!
ughy.. i had an upper resp infection in october - it sucked ass - i was out of work an entire week frown
sometimes not being able to speak can backfire - i once had laryngitis during parent teacher conferences, so i took a lot of notes while the other teacher spoke... my director felt that my writing without speaking was disconcerting... meanwhile all the parents knew why i couldnt speak... whatever