So I’ve been quiet for a while but now is definitely the time for me to come out of the woodworks to come out and express how unbelievably happy and proud I am to see another one of my fellow SG friends turn pink!!!
This is so well deserved and honestly I’ve been struggling during these tough times (hence being so quiet for a while) but honestly to see good news like this pop up really helps put a smile on my face and reminds of how amazing and wonderful this SG community really is!! 💕
@gnomi is such a beautiful soul and just one of the loveliest humans I know! So well done girl!!! 😘
Can’t wait to see you and celebrate this with you!! ☺️🎉🙌
So on this note I’ve got to say this has only just brought back the love of this site and community for me... so watch this space.... Asxna is back!!! 😜 once this world opens up again I can’t wait to get back to creating more sets for you all and of course fir myself I’ve missed it so much!!!
@rambo @missy @sean