SG land I introduce to you my brother ☺️
I absolutely adore my brother, I feel so lucky that we really do have a true friendship and always have been the best of friends throughout our lives growing up.
And honestly with all that’s going on in the world right now... I do feel very lucky to have have good family around me.
So during lockdown... since the restrictions have been lifted a bit, me and my brother were desperate to go on an adventure!
He kept telling me about these mines that him and his mates always go down and explore and he suggested that we go down as he knew I would love to go on a spooky adventure!
Because I love the idea of ghost hunting and checking out anything old and abandoned.... which is something we used to do a lot in our younger years! 👻
It was absolutely incredible! 😍 To think there’s this entire open space underneath the city of Bath is just mind blowing 🤯
Apparently these mines go as far as 20miles!!! We spent about 2hrs down there and honestly it was incredible.... But I had to remind myself not to look behind me too much because I’ve never seen such pitch black darkness before in my life... which honestly made my imagination go wild at time’s thinking I could see something in the darkness 👀(don’t worry we took plenty of batteries for our torches to make sure we didn’t get caught without a light 😱)
As we got further and deeper into the mines we came across this random door!!!? Like what on earth would have this been for and where does it go? Was such a random thing to come across.... as you can see it’s all bricked up behind it now... so now I can’t help but think what’s being hidden behind it!!! 😂 Haha I really do have a wild imagination 😝
Anyways honestly this was the most fun I’ve had in a long time since all this lockdown happened!
Who else loves an adventure!? Tell me about yours! What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever discovered!?
@rambo @missy @eirenne @sean