Had an adventure last night with starsandsmokes, sal_paradise, and a friendly female counterpart. We ventured onto our state's capital and did some hoppin. Thanks to the lovely lady accompanying us, we got some free drinks! She's an aspiring model and one of the local promoters knew her and offered to get us ripped. We kinda half ass accepted cause we werent' really sure if he was kidding or not. But all in all we did get kinda smashed and ended up crashing on the wood floor of sal_paradise's apartment. Now today is more of a recoop day. But I had fun and so did Yurgi
I feel great!
I feel great!
mmm yeah, i'll try and go see q and not u, i didn't know they were playing
Leo's may have more bruisable egos, but are also very inward looking. You may scrutinize yourself more than you need to. What may seem to you as self-defeatist may be exactly what needs to be re-examined as a source of motivation. Truth be told, everyone is rejected again and again, and everyone falls flat on their face more than a few times. Keep doing that. Eventually something will work out. Statistically, it has to. And you definately don't need a master plan or have to find your calling. Just do things randomly that you would prefer to your current situation. Eventully, you'll have done so much that you'll get a better picture of what you enjoy and desire the most. (And I'm not talking grand, sweeping changes here... Just small ones if needs be.) I don't know. (I really don't.) Just don't allow yourself to get so bogged down in second-guessing yourself that six, ten, fifteen years passes and you say, "Shit! I should've done this when I had the chance, or the freedom to, etc." Most specifically what changes do you want to make? I'm really pretty interested as I have just started really trying to change more than a few of my bad, bad habits and have found that changing something about my current direction will probably be the best impetus. I keep thinking to myself: Quit your job. Change what you eat for breakfast. Find a new favorite town. Buy a new book. Pick up painting. Sell all your belongings. Find a new pair of favorite shoes. Take a trip. Move. Go to school. Cut your hair. Get another tattoo. Ditch your roommate. Find a good boy to date. Start researching your book. Just write something. I just don't know what to do... but I hope it's some of the above. My brain's kinda overactive and hard to reign in most the time.