Some of us have active sex lives and some of us dont. Whether yea or nay is largely a question of circumstance. Want sex in college? Join some permeable circle where socialization is largely lubricated with ethanol. Want sex as an adult? Follow the same advice. Sure, pretty people get laid more easily, as do wealthy people and famous people.
But the sex available through the above methodologies is not necessarily the sex you want. You may want commonality with your partner. In this case, you should find a group of people with whom you share an oppressor. Why do you think our LGBT compatriots are often so gloriously oversexed? I posted lyrics from an MC Paul Barman song about the activist sex scene some time ago. Im utterly convinced that half of the liberal/environmental/leftist scene amongst young people is driven by the same motives that drive our enemies to frats and sororities. The difference is that we have something to talk about before and after our coitus.
Modernity offers us limited opportunity to establish true commonality with other individuals, much less community amongst individuals. My neighbors dont know me, my online friends only know the sides of myself I choose to display and my RL friendships are largely defined through one-on-one communication. The most meaningful and permanent community I can claim as my own is still defined by family, geography and kids I grew up with.
Ive passed through numerous communities of activists, academics, online personas and fellow wage slaves. I have yet to see any of these communities sustained beyond the close individual relationships I maintain.
So, co-opting the environmentalist phrase for this discussion, can a modern community be sustained? Are we doomed to a lifetime of introductions and re-introductions, catch-up calls and stop-by visits? Is there aught but fame and fortune that can create ties that bind? Im particularly interested in sites like friendster and myspace providing convenient forums for communications, but these are places we check when were feeling lonely, not places that check up on us. Ideas anyone?
But the sex available through the above methodologies is not necessarily the sex you want. You may want commonality with your partner. In this case, you should find a group of people with whom you share an oppressor. Why do you think our LGBT compatriots are often so gloriously oversexed? I posted lyrics from an MC Paul Barman song about the activist sex scene some time ago. Im utterly convinced that half of the liberal/environmental/leftist scene amongst young people is driven by the same motives that drive our enemies to frats and sororities. The difference is that we have something to talk about before and after our coitus.
Modernity offers us limited opportunity to establish true commonality with other individuals, much less community amongst individuals. My neighbors dont know me, my online friends only know the sides of myself I choose to display and my RL friendships are largely defined through one-on-one communication. The most meaningful and permanent community I can claim as my own is still defined by family, geography and kids I grew up with.
Ive passed through numerous communities of activists, academics, online personas and fellow wage slaves. I have yet to see any of these communities sustained beyond the close individual relationships I maintain.
So, co-opting the environmentalist phrase for this discussion, can a modern community be sustained? Are we doomed to a lifetime of introductions and re-introductions, catch-up calls and stop-by visits? Is there aught but fame and fortune that can create ties that bind? Im particularly interested in sites like friendster and myspace providing convenient forums for communications, but these are places we check when were feeling lonely, not places that check up on us. Ideas anyone?
yes rock it at Peaches!!!!!! god i worhip her!!!!!!!!
so i gues you used to live in Philly maybe? i like the Troc too. i'll be going there for Andrew WK and The Locust soon.