Yesterday school began anew. And it hit me. This town has more cute girls than I can shack a stick at. Then it hit me again. "hey... I'm single again (first time back in school and single in about 2.5 years)"
Aside from oogling at pretty girls, I sat around in the sun reading and drawing and thinking. I have 8 hours in between two...
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Aside from oogling at pretty girls, I sat around in the sun reading and drawing and thinking. I have 8 hours in between two...
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Today there was a Lilith set. It was, how shall I say it... TOTALLY HOT!!!!
School starts tomorrow. It'll be good to get back into the academic groove.
Oh man I have nothing say today... just seemed like I should update. Oh well. You guys can write the rest.
Whats a good cure for eye twitching. Anyone?
School starts tomorrow. It'll be good to get back into the academic groove.
Oh man I have nothing say today... just seemed like I should update. Oh well. You guys can write the rest.
Whats a good cure for eye twitching. Anyone?
STILL twitching???? Go see a doctor already, dearest silly boy!
Ok, I cant resist- I made lemon and mint mead today. Thats a magical brew if there ever was one...
Im enjoying the academic groove as well.
Ok, I cant resist- I made lemon and mint mead today. Thats a magical brew if there ever was one...
Im enjoying the academic groove as well.

Hurrah, the apartment is ours. Now I get to say I live on the bad side of the free way. I better brush up on my gang signs. Noting like living on the mean streets of Santa Barbara. Mi Vida aburrido.
My Short Circuit 2 DVD has yet to arrive. I am sad.
Twitching in my left eye has subsided some what. So I guess...
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My Short Circuit 2 DVD has yet to arrive. I am sad.
Twitching in my left eye has subsided some what. So I guess...
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Mara and I were wandering through Vons, going, "Oh my God, we can cook this, ands this, and make this..." New kitchen. Hell, kitchen in the first place. Hell, yeah.
hahaha, "bad side of the freeway" in Santa Barbara? What is that, old town Goleta? Good times.
Put a bid down for an apartment.... Pool, BBQ area, laundrey room wiht coke machine. Ooo I really want it. *crosses fingers*
I have recieved a very strange and disturbing message on my voice mail. Let me reenact it for you:
This was an old ladies voice mind you
*Fizzle* "No... such... number.. 4, 4, 4, 4, *garbled faded pronounciation of 4 over and over*...
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I have recieved a very strange and disturbing message on my voice mail. Let me reenact it for you:
This was an old ladies voice mind you
*Fizzle* "No... such... number.. 4, 4, 4, 4, *garbled faded pronounciation of 4 over and over*...
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don't you need a big sword to tap on my shoulders to make me a rockstar?
what happened to Mara?
what happened to Mara?
tell Mara she must come back now.....When I move to LA I expect to be knighted...ooops I mean rockstared
Well, I finally did it. I didn't want to do it, but I did. Sometimes you can't fight the inevitable. There are some things about yourself that you can't deny, parts of yourself that you can't ingnore. In these times one must be true to his soul and heart and do what he knows is right, no matter what others may think. Yes, ladies and...
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Hahaha yeah, I've given up on ever having a normal love life... *sigh* oh well...
Oh, and the twitching... see, I was putting the finishing touches on my "SG Buddies Voodoo Dolls" and I ran out of little beads to use as for your other eye, I had to use one of those little googly ones that rolls know, like Cookie Monster...anywho, its gonna be like that for a while until the curse is broken...or something...since I, erm... *cough* ...lost your doll...

Oh, and the twitching... see, I was putting the finishing touches on my "SG Buddies Voodoo Dolls" and I ran out of little beads to use as for your other eye, I had to use one of those little googly ones that rolls know, like Cookie Monster...anywho, its gonna be like that for a while until the curse is broken...or something...since I, erm... *cough* ...lost your doll...
Lol don't you love when your eye does that? Mine did that for an entire week when I started college 

What a strange couple of days. I randomly might move out of this house. And by house I mean studio. And by studio I mean converted garage. but I digress. Point is, I might have to start packing very soon. I won't go into details until I know anything for certain.
In other news.... well I guess there really isn't any other news. Spent the...
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In other news.... well I guess there really isn't any other news. Spent the...
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that is fun.
and yes, sex and ramen are quite important as well. they're actually both on my to-do list.
and yes, sex and ramen are quite important as well. they're actually both on my to-do list.
only 2 more days till I'm done with work! yay.
Spent A good night night watching campy movies and drinkin' rum with friends. Ah yes, life is good. Damn good rum.
Finally signed up for school. Damned expensive. Perhaps we need a new governer? Tee hee.
For those of you who haven't been around the last week, there are two new pictures up in my fanart section. For those of you who do not care,...
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Finally signed up for school. Damned expensive. Perhaps we need a new governer? Tee hee.
For those of you who haven't been around the last week, there are two new pictures up in my fanart section. For those of you who do not care,...
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what happened to the art you did of me?? Why didn't that go up?? You promised me before I went up that you would do some art of me and then you did, but no one got to see it! *pout* Thanks for the queen comment though
Hey...want a job? The boss wanted to know if any of my friends wanted in. It'll be fun: rat poop, dirty fish water, annoying customers, cancer. What more could a growing boy ask for?
Actually, I'm serious. We need the help. Even Mara's thinking of coming back in emergencies.
Actually, I'm serious. We need the help. Even Mara's thinking of coming back in emergencies.
I walked for hours last night, with nothing but mars and luna to guide me. A walked throught= a world I thought I knew, but had never seen in the dark. The world is an empty place after hourse. The experience is unique, as I felt I was not part of the world, merely an observer to something a day creature should never see. My...
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uh, duh, I just looked at your pics..... oops!
I really like it..........
I really like it..........
neener neener
go work at blenders downtown
go work at blenders downtown
The Perfect Sessions: Cowboy Bebop
Special Edition DVD Box Set
This just arrived in the mail today. Oh yes, it rocks. And its mine! All mine! Muahahahaaha! *ahem*
Been working on more fan art. Last night put up a sketch of Thursday. Currently working on a picture of Voltaire. After that...who knows. Maybe I should start sucking up to O and Al, ne?
Ever walk...
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Special Edition DVD Box Set
This just arrived in the mail today. Oh yes, it rocks. And its mine! All mine! Muahahahaaha! *ahem*
Been working on more fan art. Last night put up a sketch of Thursday. Currently working on a picture of Voltaire. After that...who knows. Maybe I should start sucking up to O and Al, ne?
Ever walk...
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Mech? My luck, I'd be one of those ridiculous Battletech mechs that over-heated and shut down every time I twitched a servo. Imadork. 

im flattered

"It doesn't matter what I say,
So long as I sing with inflection,
that makes you feel I convey,
Some inner truth of vast reflection"
Oh, and apparently the movie Vampire Hunters is the coolest movie ever... well its up there any way. Just think crouching tiger meets buffy with fly zombie and vampire with fire breath attacks. Now thats just good cinema.
Malls are...
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So long as I sing with inflection,
that makes you feel I convey,
Some inner truth of vast reflection"
Oh, and apparently the movie Vampire Hunters is the coolest movie ever... well its up there any way. Just think crouching tiger meets buffy with fly zombie and vampire with fire breath attacks. Now thats just good cinema.
Malls are...
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no I didn't mean that....
So, what was it you bought?? We're dying to know.