Yesterday i picked up Knights of the Old Republic... intrigued by the many raving revues and the shiny pictures ont he box. Sadly the game to fill me with happy squishy feeling that Star Wars games ussually do. The game itself is a cross of Neverwinter Nights with Jedi Knight II. I guess when it comes to Star Wars games I'm just a little more trigger happy than this game allows me to be. Jedi should not have to wait for there "turn to attack!" Ah well, its back to EBX for me, along with some other old games. Perhaps Max Payne 2 or maybe I'll finally buy Age of Empires II or the expansion packs to Neverwinter Nights.
Gamin' ain't easy. (Of course trying to respond to this journal with something remotely relevant won't be easy either )
Man I can't wait for Bloodlines and EQ2 to come out!
Gamin' ain't easy. (Of course trying to respond to this journal with something remotely relevant won't be easy either )
Man I can't wait for Bloodlines and EQ2 to come out!
I believe Vyasa's intent is merely to stimulate the brain in response to the question. The answer is, of course, irrelevant.
HBD! Now get a job.