You ever hear the saying "Even the best guys screw up sometimes." ?
Do you ever wonder why people learn the way they do?
Why can't we just read a book and know it by heart? Perfect. Every word.
Why can't we learn to hit a home run and then do it every time?
To have flawless memory, whether be it muscle or psychological, or combination.
The sad truth is that even the best batter in the world can't hit a home run every time.
The most accomplished musician in the world will eventually miss a beat.
The greatest mathematician will err sooner or later.
Even in your own biorythms a heartbeat skips sometimes. Why is this?
I think inconsistency is part of human nature. I think maybe we weren't made to be
perfect.. flawless.. Variations are apparent all throughout the universe, from the
largest stars to the smallest molecules. Maybe our imperfection is part of something
bigger. What if we couldn't handle the pressures of being 100% all the time, and that
our variation is actually a kind of filter, that allows us to absorb the intense
concentration or physical exertion associated with flawless performance. A cushion so
as not to be crushed or driven mad by our own need to strive for improvement.
But variation is not something to look down upon, inconsistency not to be scorned.
They are the father and mother of creation. Innovation. Time and time again, invention
has been born of accidents, genius sparked by unconvention. Maybe imperfection is natures
way of evolving. Hard to say what the real answer may be. People are strange creatures
and our world is even stranger. Everyone screws up.. even the very best of each discipline.
They are just human, they laugh and hurt and cry into their pillow at night just like you.
Its scary to be such an unstable insignificant little creature in a ever changing place,
but it feels reassuring to know we are sharing that ride with billions of others, and that
somehow together, we might all survive.
The next time someone tells you your style in art changed..
Or maybe when you mess up on something, be it a sport or a test in school..
Whatever variations or rythms in your life find imbalance, rest assured that in
doing that, you are part of a much of a much bigger balance, and that maybe that
one mistake.. was the turn one inch from the edge.
and have you ever heard of shadows? yea. thats right.