I have a couch. It is blue and ugly there is a hole in the side where the springs are coming out and it is MINE.


My xbox died a solemn, quiet death. I almost punched the fucking thing. The least it could have done was go out in a blaze of pixelated glory.

I'm !%&#ing a guy with fantastic hipbones. Mmmm.

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nice photos, what city is that? smile
Those photos are incredible!
Er - hey. I approved everyone who wanted to be my friend, but i'm warning y'all that I don't post much, nor am I really interested in being involved in communities on this site. I'm here for the naked girls, yo.

And to watch perdita's back, because she's bought me stuffed Cthulhu plushies before, and that's the sort of thing that earns you my...
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I forgot about this site for awhile.

I am SO sick. and s'all my own fault. too many parties, too many ciggarettes, and too many other things was going to get the best of me sooner or later.

The worst is that J is at his parent's house for family things this weekend, and all I want is to call him and tell him to...
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damn, you have a cock??? on the serious side though...I understand about the job thing...I hate mine but only have 5 more years till i tell them to kiss my ass...

hope things get better and you feel better.
i got your email! yay! i will look over it more closely when i don't have an exam the next day (like i do right now, aaaah!)
Just got back from NJ + visiting the boyfriend. He surprised me with dinner @ Qdoba (oh holy fuck yes) and tickets to see goblet of fire on IMAX. It was awesome, and not just because he agreed with me that harry and ron are so gay for each other it hurts. seeing friends was lovely, too. the only drawback was the amount of...
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ARRR!!! biggrin biggrin
I wonder if there's an out-take where Harry and Ron just suck face.
thanks for the positive comments, kids, even if it's not really necessary. i wasn't really looking for anything like that - it was more just me rambling (as i do ever so often...) but the thoughts behind said statements are appreciated.

i was going to post something deep and interesting, but instead i'm going to brag about how me, possibly perdita, my friend AK...
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You can upload pics here.
ps when were you going to tell me about these elitist nerd plans? not that i mind of course.
pps thanks for the link. i think i'm going to stick to the outfit i had in mind, but damn if that knee length skirt isn't wicked hot.
so the past few days have solidified my thoughts about suicide girls. as in, i have a very love/hate relationship with this site.

on one hand, hot naked girls and pr0n. need i say more? I didn't think so either.

on the other hand, i'm at a point in my life right now where althought it strikes me as hot, really the only thing i...
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LazyAssedSmurf said it pretty well there. Like, I know I'm not handsome or anything, but I don't walk around thinking I'm not pretty. I just dress nice sometimes and go "damn! i look good!" and if someone says something about how i look, i tell them to fuck off. so never feel bad about yourself, or, if you do (which is normal), don't take it too seriously. people who love you will not care what youlook like, because deep down that's not what matters most, personality is (or whatever you want to rack up to internal beauty).
What they said. Better to be lame than to have never commented at all?? Que no? smile
You picture looks "officially" pretty to me, and evidently others as well love So there! smile mad smile By the way, what is pron? Your profile says that twice...do you perhaps mean porn? I don't know what pron is. ARRR!!!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what I see as classic beauty is different from what the modeling industy, etc. says it is. So, consider yourself attractive, inside and outside.
it looks like i have a golf ball or something in my cheek in that photo.

how do i already have friend requests? i made this account, what...yesterday?

my sole claim to fame is that i'm perdita's best friend and she's the hot bitch who bought me this account. so we can perv together.

that's love, yo.

EDIT: okay, the comment thing? it's lame....
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eeee you're here!

ps i can totally see the bra on the bookshelf in that photo.
pps when you respond to a comment someone left in your journal, you do it by leaving a comment in theirs. it's weird.
ppps i just decided to be lost. and considering my name means "little lost one" it makes sense.
now see, i wasn't gonna say anything about her responding to my post w/ her own comment instead of making one to my profile. i figured she'd just catch on. lol.