Rejected. Photography not up to standards. Wait three months. yadda yadda yadda.
I'll post some of the pics later today. I'm not going to post on the Hopefuls threads because I already know what's wrong with this one.
I'll post some of the pics later today. I'm not going to post on the Hopefuls threads because I already know what's wrong with this one.
The Staff here have a double standered. The staffs favorite girls go up a lot more often then the rest. there are sets up on this site that are shot poorly but because it was shot by one of the staffs favorite photographers it goes up. I know of a few sets that didnt go up because the themes were taken by other sgs. If I were you I wouldnt listen to a damn thing the staff had to say about your set. Shoot what you want to shot don't label it just send it in. everytime i read someone saying they did what the staff told them to do its rejected. I like your set. your very beautiful. don;t let the staff get you down. fuck their opinions they obviously dont know what they want until they see it.
youll getem next time
And thank your self proclaiming yourself to that department. You sure do know when to call it!