I love the smell of napalm in the morning!!
I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. Im going to take a stand. Im going to defend it. Right or wrong, Im going to defend it.
Tell me some of your favorite movie quotes, I'm really in the mood for some memorable quotes today.
The freezing cold is upon us here in Chicago and of course it never fails to remind us how close we are to Xmas, the most contradicting and maniacal holiday of all time. Don't u all just LOVE gettin together with your family every year so that you can grab your plastic smiles out of storage and put them to good use? I love it! Family get-togethers are NEVER awkward!
So tell me ... what do YOU want for Xmas? Telling me will in no way, shape, or form get u what u want which makes the question pretty much pointless to answer but go ahead, tell me! Pretend I'm santa, but obviously a much nastier, female version.
Speaking of gifts and all that jazz .. I want to say that there were some people that purchased my son some gifts off my wishlist for his bday, but they forgot to leave their name anywhere on the form!! This has happened many times in the past, I'm sure there are people out there that assume I am the most unappreciative person alive because I never thanked them for the gifts they sent. Amazon allows you to fill out a message when you place your order, PLEASE fill it out and tell me who you are so that I may properly thank you.
Every year there are toy drives and fund raising events to help low income families create a better Xmas for their kids. I think these things are super fantastic ... BUT! I happen to fall into the "low income" family category and have never been able to benefit from these programs. If you want to help a really awesome kid have a great Xmas this year, please take a look at my sons WISHLIST. Everything on it is for my son, always has been and always will be ... and most of the items are DIRT cheap! Most of the stuff u can buy used anyway. My son loves video games, electronics, collectibles, and rock music. The #1 item on his list this year is the system of a down hooded sweatshirt. For some reason he also wants the SOAD fingerless gloves, too ... but the REAL question is: aren't fingerless gloves kind of pointless??!
For those of u who care (and for those of u who don't!) my rattery is up and going and my first female, Vera Wang, is due to have a litter on the 22nd of this month.
I named the rattery Kunst Von Rattens, which means "art of rats" in german. I figured rat breeders are practicing the "art" of rats, in a sense, plus I am artistic .. so the name fits! It is OFFICIAL! I am in DESPERATE need of someone who knows how to build a website so that I can have a place to direct my adopters for information and photos of my darling ratties
Finish this sentence: I remember a time when ...
I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. Im going to take a stand. Im going to defend it. Right or wrong, Im going to defend it.
Tell me some of your favorite movie quotes, I'm really in the mood for some memorable quotes today.
The freezing cold is upon us here in Chicago and of course it never fails to remind us how close we are to Xmas, the most contradicting and maniacal holiday of all time. Don't u all just LOVE gettin together with your family every year so that you can grab your plastic smiles out of storage and put them to good use? I love it! Family get-togethers are NEVER awkward!
So tell me ... what do YOU want for Xmas? Telling me will in no way, shape, or form get u what u want which makes the question pretty much pointless to answer but go ahead, tell me! Pretend I'm santa, but obviously a much nastier, female version.

Speaking of gifts and all that jazz .. I want to say that there were some people that purchased my son some gifts off my wishlist for his bday, but they forgot to leave their name anywhere on the form!! This has happened many times in the past, I'm sure there are people out there that assume I am the most unappreciative person alive because I never thanked them for the gifts they sent. Amazon allows you to fill out a message when you place your order, PLEASE fill it out and tell me who you are so that I may properly thank you.

Every year there are toy drives and fund raising events to help low income families create a better Xmas for their kids. I think these things are super fantastic ... BUT! I happen to fall into the "low income" family category and have never been able to benefit from these programs. If you want to help a really awesome kid have a great Xmas this year, please take a look at my sons WISHLIST. Everything on it is for my son, always has been and always will be ... and most of the items are DIRT cheap! Most of the stuff u can buy used anyway. My son loves video games, electronics, collectibles, and rock music. The #1 item on his list this year is the system of a down hooded sweatshirt. For some reason he also wants the SOAD fingerless gloves, too ... but the REAL question is: aren't fingerless gloves kind of pointless??!
For those of u who care (and for those of u who don't!) my rattery is up and going and my first female, Vera Wang, is due to have a litter on the 22nd of this month.

Finish this sentence: I remember a time when ...
I remember a time when you and I both updated way more often. Looks like you aren't too active anymore. Sad for me. You were always one of my favorite people on the site. Hope things are going well for you.
i remember a time when . . . pants were optional.