My life was hectic as HELL for the last month, just ONE important ordeal after another, with NO breathing room or rest in between. First the week long trip to FL where I only got abt 2-3 hrs of sleep each night and awoke to a crazy best friend kicking my ass into her kickboxing class at 4am every day, then trying to regain the strength and consciousness to plan out some time to see my family. I dont know how I survived, really.
As soon as I got back, it was my sons bday. Well my sons birthday was a HUGE success, thanks to many of my really good friends here.
He received all the most important gifts he wanted, which made me really happy that day. Any parent can tell u that when their kids wishes come true .. it makes them feel golden.
THEN, day after bday, my good friend from the Netherlands Snottlebocket came to visit Chicago again for 2 weeks and stayed with us the entire time. The cool thing abt that was .. it was like vacationing in my own town, and I desperately needed a break from life to have a vacation. Bad thing abt that was .. nothing got done in that time period, lol. Sooo .. all my responsibilities in life piled up, up, up .. into one HELLOVA mess that I am now trying to conquer piece by piece. Dont think Im avoiding you, Im just trying to get everything back in order! Its always hard for us to see him go back .. everyone close to me just love him to bits, he's a hard guy not to like. I wonder if most Europeans are like that or if this guy is just extraordinarily different from everyone in the world.
I lost one of my best job prospects.
I've been doing a LOT of side work, but its just barely getting us by. My man has become too sick to work, we dont know what the hell his condition is, Ive never seen anything like it. The army is fucking us around with his insurance, and they really let us down, big time. Its like they dumped him off and said "have fun! oh, btw .. fix your problem (on your OWN) then we want u back asap. K thanks bye"
Fable 2 was great!
~If there was a deep, dark secret (or many of them) in one of your parents lives ... would u want to know? What if it involved YOU in some way?
~Acid is invading your stomach. U reach for ... ? (hey, my son wants to know, this was out of the blue for me, too)
~Are u doing for a living what you would like to be doing, or are u just doing something for right now until you can get to where you *want* to go?
~Do u feel like a grown up? Elaborate.
Cheers everyone, I'll be replying to my messages tomorrow so you all just hang tight, ok?
As soon as I got back, it was my sons bday. Well my sons birthday was a HUGE success, thanks to many of my really good friends here.

THEN, day after bday, my good friend from the Netherlands Snottlebocket came to visit Chicago again for 2 weeks and stayed with us the entire time. The cool thing abt that was .. it was like vacationing in my own town, and I desperately needed a break from life to have a vacation. Bad thing abt that was .. nothing got done in that time period, lol. Sooo .. all my responsibilities in life piled up, up, up .. into one HELLOVA mess that I am now trying to conquer piece by piece. Dont think Im avoiding you, Im just trying to get everything back in order! Its always hard for us to see him go back .. everyone close to me just love him to bits, he's a hard guy not to like. I wonder if most Europeans are like that or if this guy is just extraordinarily different from everyone in the world.
I lost one of my best job prospects.

Fable 2 was great!
~If there was a deep, dark secret (or many of them) in one of your parents lives ... would u want to know? What if it involved YOU in some way?
~Acid is invading your stomach. U reach for ... ? (hey, my son wants to know, this was out of the blue for me, too)
~Are u doing for a living what you would like to be doing, or are u just doing something for right now until you can get to where you *want* to go?
~Do u feel like a grown up? Elaborate.
Cheers everyone, I'll be replying to my messages tomorrow so you all just hang tight, ok?

The telephone. That's not supposed to happen to me anymore and if it does something is seriously wrong. I'd call 911.
I want to do nothing for a living. As of yet I have not found a way to make that happen.
I feel old. But I certainly don't feel the way I expected being an adult would feel when I was a kid. I thought someday I would feel wise and confident, with a firm grasp of how the world should run. Hasn't happened.
Hope life has become less hectic.