I finally got my ticket to see my grams in october on the 17th and Im just ... soooo relieved. *sigh* I feel like there is a part of "ash" that has been pieced back together finally and it makes me feel more whole, more contempt.
My internet isnt fixed yet, but Im still workin on gettin funds to do so. Patience, patience. Im now going to try to make weekly updates and reply to all my messages like I always do. Right now I am 3 journals behind and Im gettin on it asap!
I was suprised and very saddened that my dear friend Sioux decided to move on to bigger and better things, but Im more proud of her than ever. As long as she is still in my life in some manner I really dont think I will shed too many tears for her absence on the site.
My man has had a medical discharge and is back home now .. verrry long story. The army is not providing him a paycheck while hes gone but is providing him with insurance until he is "fit for duty" again, they say sometime between 3-6 months.
Uhh .. wtf we are to do between now and then is beyond me, but .. we'll put our two genius brains together and conjure up something passable.
I am really excited abt my new shoot, which is very close to actually being capable of being done soon! Thanks to ALL of you who have bought things on my wishlist to help provide me with the items needed to do the set. I am only missing ONE piece to the puzzle now .. which is the most expensive thing .. that damn corset. BUT!! Great news!! Sioux says she saw the same corset for wholesale price thru a magazine she orders from! So I can just get it myself since its so dirt cheap!
***And u all know what this means right? Yep. My sons wishlist will go back up in its place. His birthday is at the very end of October and we could use *all* the help we can get! Hopefully my man can get unemployment and I will have found work by then. But there are sooo many cool things on his list and a LOT of them are cheap, many things around $10-20 so just pretty please take a look and help make a little boys birthday special!! xoxoxox I threw in a few extra special items that would probably impossible to recieve, but hey, it's *his* wishlist .. so I had to put up what he wanted even if I thought it wouldnt be possible, lol.
Having my man home and a way to see my gram has put the "ash" back in ASH, and I am sooooo back, baby! You dont even KNOW!
Id have questions written here if I didnt have several hundred posts to reply to, lol! xoxoxox

I was suprised and very saddened that my dear friend Sioux decided to move on to bigger and better things, but Im more proud of her than ever. As long as she is still in my life in some manner I really dont think I will shed too many tears for her absence on the site.

My man has had a medical discharge and is back home now .. verrry long story. The army is not providing him a paycheck while hes gone but is providing him with insurance until he is "fit for duty" again, they say sometime between 3-6 months.

I am really excited abt my new shoot, which is very close to actually being capable of being done soon! Thanks to ALL of you who have bought things on my wishlist to help provide me with the items needed to do the set. I am only missing ONE piece to the puzzle now .. which is the most expensive thing .. that damn corset. BUT!! Great news!! Sioux says she saw the same corset for wholesale price thru a magazine she orders from! So I can just get it myself since its so dirt cheap!
***And u all know what this means right? Yep. My sons wishlist will go back up in its place. His birthday is at the very end of October and we could use *all* the help we can get! Hopefully my man can get unemployment and I will have found work by then. But there are sooo many cool things on his list and a LOT of them are cheap, many things around $10-20 so just pretty please take a look and help make a little boys birthday special!! xoxoxox I threw in a few extra special items that would probably impossible to recieve, but hey, it's *his* wishlist .. so I had to put up what he wanted even if I thought it wouldnt be possible, lol.
Having my man home and a way to see my gram has put the "ash" back in ASH, and I am sooooo back, baby! You dont even KNOW!
Id have questions written here if I didnt have several hundred posts to reply to, lol! xoxoxox
Hope things work out
Ouch! I just cuss and spit two whole times each! So yeah! What do you think now. Well if I cared about my job then naturally he would be with something to worry about. But yeah, this just is not the case.