MAN, its been a hell of a month here in ASH town. It seems almost every animal I have here has come down with some kind of disease or another, most need special treatment and when u have so many to care for ... to say it is time consuming would be putting it lightly! So much for my weekly updates, gah!
Snow day today! All the kids are skippin school.
My man has a show coming up on Feb 10th, its pretty important since there will be some major music industry ppl there. If u care, it should be a hell of a time, check sg chicago for details!
I got a nice new free laptop! This is number 3 or 4 for me now, it really rules when your significant other works in computers.
However, my fingers arent used to this sort of thing, the keyboard is flat and Im used to a mouse.
~If u could commit one crime and get away with it, what would it be?
~Whats your "theme" song? Or maybe just tell me a song that u feel symbolizes your life in some way (plz exlain how)
~How did u escape from the alien space ship?
~Whats worse: a peaceful drug addict or a violent non-addict?
~Do u enjoy wallowing in my own misery?
I want this! Holy shit ...

Snow day today! All the kids are skippin school.
My man has a show coming up on Feb 10th, its pretty important since there will be some major music industry ppl there. If u care, it should be a hell of a time, check sg chicago for details!
I got a nice new free laptop! This is number 3 or 4 for me now, it really rules when your significant other works in computers.

~If u could commit one crime and get away with it, what would it be?
~Whats your "theme" song? Or maybe just tell me a song that u feel symbolizes your life in some way (plz exlain how)
~How did u escape from the alien space ship?
~Whats worse: a peaceful drug addict or a violent non-addict?
~Do u enjoy wallowing in my own misery?
I want this! Holy shit ...

K_Rex gets home tonight, so I'm barely able to wait for that. I'm a total basket case right now. I am so fortunate that Flux, LittleFierceOne and TheFox came over Saturday and spent much time with me helping to cheer me up and keep my mind off of things. Sunday and Sunday night was shitty, but I am completely grateful for their friendship. And tonight I'll hopefully get to go to bed really early with someone to snuggle with and make me feel better just by her presence.
I need to eat something. I haven't been able to keep anything down since yesterday afternoon and I'm feeling like passing out.
To the questions:
~ this one is rather a difficult one for me to admit to, but murder. Not a random one, but a very specific person who made my life such a living hell and proved that they are beyond a shadow of a doubt an evil being.
~ wow, theme song. I've been asked this one before, but have never come up with ont. It would be something pop-ish, or lyrical, sometimes slow, sometimes fast. And possibly something by Enya.
~ dammit, how'd you find out about that?!? Well, if you must know, when the guard came to take me to the execution area, they only sent one and it was rather sloppy about securing my arms, so I grabbed its pulse pistol and shot it, then the other two guards at the hatch. I slipped into the air-vents and squirmed my way to the emergency escape pods, climbed in and activated it, which punched me out over Greenland. Damn it was a long trip back home!
~ a violent non-addict. I'd have to say anyone who is violent is worse than anyone peaceful.
~ wallowing in your misery?? No, I don't, I just want to hear about it so I know how you are really doing, so I can help you celebrate good things, and commiserate in the bad things.
Gah, still hungry. Need food.
Love you sweetie!
~Walk The Line- Johnny Cash. Johnny is an inspiration to me, I feel I can relate to him more than anyone in my life.
~I traded a shark fetus for my escape.
~I think a violent non-addict in the sense they could hurt themselves or others.
~No. I wish I had no that saying goes misery loves company. I assume those who share theirs with me are just miserable assholes (I am referring to my assistants