I am home, safely, and was last night The desktop tried to kill itself and therefore I spen a significant portion of the evening in "surgery" to repair the registry on her. I just finished up now. Yeah, I took my time, it was my first time doing such a thing, wanted to make sure I had everything proper.
Oh, and the MapQuest directions were bad. They had me turning right instead of left at an intersection with confusing signage. Such is my luck, eh? Obviously I made it, but I took the really scenic route, probably lost near an hour by doing so. I wonder if I can suggest revision to MapQuest.
Going back to work tomorrow. I am not very excited about that at all. Things had apparently gotten pretty crazy while I was gone. All things that are beyond our control. Such is the nature of my field. You never really know what you're going to get on any given day.
Going to test the desktop and try to play some more Empire at War before I have to begin thinking of work more seriously.
Oh, and the MapQuest directions were bad. They had me turning right instead of left at an intersection with confusing signage. Such is my luck, eh? Obviously I made it, but I took the really scenic route, probably lost near an hour by doing so. I wonder if I can suggest revision to MapQuest.
Going back to work tomorrow. I am not very excited about that at all. Things had apparently gotten pretty crazy while I was gone. All things that are beyond our control. Such is the nature of my field. You never really know what you're going to get on any given day.
Going to test the desktop and try to play some more Empire at War before I have to begin thinking of work more seriously.
mapquest is terrible... better of just driving blind. so ive found. i got lost going to little falls because of mapquest....

You are welcome! Tuesday wasn't such a bad day, was it? I went to the cinema. Infact that was dreadful Ben picked the film and it was shite! ha ha, ah well.