Chinese ... I have had way too much Chinese food. Fried rice, eggdrop soup, spring rolls ... ugh. I had to throw a spring roll away I was so disgusted. =T

Anyone know what happened to AsterLee? I loved her set, and she made a post to her journal, and then she seems to have vanished. I enjoyed her set ... that's what made me...
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I am amazed by people claiming to be defrauded by Playboy since Jessica Alba isn't actually posing nude inside the pages of the publication. Well, I'm not a huge fan of Playboy ... I am a collector, but my experience was with the 60s and 70s where Playboy had some great articles. The newer issues are something of a mockery ... but I digress.

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I should make a more frequent effort to tidy up. Of course, I've done a lot of overtime over the past six months ... but not enough to truly justify the number of papers that I allowed to pile up, quite literally. I have a few papers that are nearly a year old now ... but they were at least placed on...
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I am home, safely, and was last night The desktop tried to kill itself and therefore I spen a significant portion of the evening in "surgery" to repair the registry on her. I just finished up now. Yeah, I took my time, it was my first time doing such a thing, wanted to make sure I had everything proper.

Oh, and the MapQuest directions were...
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mapquest is terrible... better of just driving blind. so ive found. i got lost going to little falls because of mapquest.... skull
You are welcome! Tuesday wasn't such a bad day, was it? I went to the cinema. Infact that was dreadful Ben picked the film and it was shite! ha ha, ah well. wink
It's about time to leave the girlfriend's and head back to the eastern portion of the state. It was a fun trip, turned out to be much better than anticipated. I'm looking forward to getting back towards Rome around April. Not certain if I'll be able to get the time as people are lining up at work to take some vacation.

My iPod is ready...
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My vacation is almost over. I'll be heading for home around midday Friday, making a few stops for some shopping along the way. Saturday, I'll chill out and do nothing. Sunday is back to work. Fun stuff. Anyhow, wish my a safe trip and stuff. tongue
Vacation with the girlfriend hasn't been all that bad. There were a couple of uncomfortable discussions, but overall it's been pretty cool. She's moving though, her apartment manager was a bit creepy so she's getting the fuck out. That means I've been helping a bit here and there. I'm trying to take it easy though. She has a small army of friends helping her this...
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thanks for the comment on my set!!
I dread reporting to work today.

We're short staffed for normal workload, but we were able to manage on the day shifts. Now we're in the midst of a crisis, and we're really feeling the crunch. I will probably be spending the entire day on the floor, rather than in the office. Which means, no work getting done. Yesterday I was able to accomplish some...
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i saw your post in the SG group.

i'm trying to sell my undies from my strawberry set

$20 for the set including the bra

there is a post in the SGSales group.
I have come to realize that I must now apologize to everyone that I ever ridiculed for the use of audiobooks. They're quite good, to a point. Now, I will still frown upon anyone with working eyes that relies solely on audiobooks. However, I feel audiobooks are great for when one is multitasking.

On whim I purchased My Life by Bill Clinton. I had heard...
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Heya! Thx for the comment! I will star my full backpiece soon. I don't know when exactly but I'll put pictures! Check this out! wink
Finishing up with some imports on iTunes. I'll be working out with Bill Clinton for the next few hours. After I get all that finished up, I'll be heading to bed. Sunday begins a new work week for me. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays, and then on a much needed and well deserved vacation. Besides, if I waited much longer I'd be maxed out for...
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I have started to add ladies to my favorite SG list. I thought I had done that in the past, evidentally I hadn't.

So far I've just added ladies whose names I can remember. I figured that if I can remember the name that's pretty damned good, eh?

Still, it seems a shame to rank, or to even select five that I like more than...
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Went to Rutland this morning and got my headlights. Yay! Now to install them. I dislike this part. The lamp casings don't remove very easily.

I need to cancel my order from Apple. The case that I wanted was found at Radio Shack today. I decided to purchase rather than waiting an entire month for Apple to get it to me.

Picked up an Audiobook,...
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