careful longest entry ever, and im not even including my roxorz!! picture!
i had a nice nice weekend.
i had to take the worst route ever to get into the city saturday night, missed the last train by 2! minutes, so i had to take the "night owl bus" bad fucking news, its like 10 times longer than the train.
so i got to my cousins at 2, then decided i needed to be drunk to even fathom the crazy shit that went down on the bus, so drunk i got, in a matter of 20 minutes i drank the end of the malibu, which was an eensy bit less than half the bottle.
then called a cab, and ventured to the night, to a cute boys place, and had the best sex of my life, oh man.
then we slept till 2 the next day, and i staggered out of his place to the streets of boston, attempting to walk home, i looked like hell, walking hell, i probably scared so many people. i had to pee really horribly bad at one point so i had to flag down a cab driver and make him speed so i didnt pee my pants, bad fucking newssss.
thennnn, i hung out in a park with my friend caitlin and talked and swang on swings, when we were going back to the apt to get hoodies and pee, a creep of a guy approached me.
as usual.
when can i have a day with no creeps?WHEN!
anywaysssss, this guy comes over and is like " what do you think about me getting to know a beautiful girl???"
ao i use my usual excuse "uhh i have a boyfriend" which works good always, even if it isnt true or whatever, it scares them all away, they always assume mister boyfriend is gonna be coming down the street so they skeddadle(how the shit do you spell that?!?!) anyways this guy is like " oh ok, well just so you know...*scans me up and down* i would eat you like candyyyy" then he makes some scary chomping face. so i burst out laughing and dont belive that it was really said, and yes it was said. then he proceeds to go on and tell me how i have the most beautiful figure, and most beautiful curves hes ever seen in his life, and he was honiored that i was even talking to him. then he was like " if you dont beleive how incredibly beautiful you are, and the things im telling you, im turned on right now..i'll show you if you dont believ that.." so i start laughing even more and send him on his way, seriously, why me?! WHY!
picnic this week or weekend.
goodbye to cute boy this week
and two days off.
and beautful weather, aside from goodbye im excited about the upcoming week.
i had a nice nice weekend.
i had to take the worst route ever to get into the city saturday night, missed the last train by 2! minutes, so i had to take the "night owl bus" bad fucking news, its like 10 times longer than the train.
so i got to my cousins at 2, then decided i needed to be drunk to even fathom the crazy shit that went down on the bus, so drunk i got, in a matter of 20 minutes i drank the end of the malibu, which was an eensy bit less than half the bottle.
then called a cab, and ventured to the night, to a cute boys place, and had the best sex of my life, oh man.
then we slept till 2 the next day, and i staggered out of his place to the streets of boston, attempting to walk home, i looked like hell, walking hell, i probably scared so many people. i had to pee really horribly bad at one point so i had to flag down a cab driver and make him speed so i didnt pee my pants, bad fucking newssss.
thennnn, i hung out in a park with my friend caitlin and talked and swang on swings, when we were going back to the apt to get hoodies and pee, a creep of a guy approached me.
as usual.
when can i have a day with no creeps?WHEN!
anywaysssss, this guy comes over and is like " what do you think about me getting to know a beautiful girl???"
ao i use my usual excuse "uhh i have a boyfriend" which works good always, even if it isnt true or whatever, it scares them all away, they always assume mister boyfriend is gonna be coming down the street so they skeddadle(how the shit do you spell that?!?!) anyways this guy is like " oh ok, well just so you know...*scans me up and down* i would eat you like candyyyy" then he makes some scary chomping face. so i burst out laughing and dont belive that it was really said, and yes it was said. then he proceeds to go on and tell me how i have the most beautiful figure, and most beautiful curves hes ever seen in his life, and he was honiored that i was even talking to him. then he was like " if you dont beleive how incredibly beautiful you are, and the things im telling you, im turned on right now..i'll show you if you dont believ that.." so i start laughing even more and send him on his way, seriously, why me?! WHY!
picnic this week or weekend.
goodbye to cute boy this week

and two days off.
and beautful weather, aside from goodbye im excited about the upcoming week.