Woke up with a migraine... Stayed home from work... Getting ready to head to school... Need a home win from the Sharks! Let's go Sharks!
Sharks won, Murs rocked the house and I got a pretty healty sized buzz. All is well n the world!!!!
If there was way to make this overdramatic and exagerated I would. Oh, god I hate being broke!
I'm super fucking stoked today. I bought a new car. Go me! It's a 2003 Mitsubishi Lance Oz Rally. I got a decent deal on it too and i have virtually no credit.
What?? Where'd you go?? I've been trying to get a new car...
Yesterday was the wierdest fucking day ever! I really haven't slept in almost three days and it gets wierder by the minute. My started out normal enough. Work sucked and was chaotic. I had to drop off a job at our production center about 30 miles away. I got the new Aesop Rock album for way cheap cause the cashier gave me the cost of...
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I'm excited! I get to transfer to my new store on the 1st. Woo Hoo!
Other than being sick everything is coming up Milhouse! I talked to my buddy Michael and he said that I can for sure come over to his branch. Slated to start on Feburuary 7th. I think my curent boss is pissed cause now he has to hire 8 people insted of 7. Oh well, fuck him if he doesn't understand.
i woke up kind of sick this morning... it sucks puke

didnt end up getting my septum pierced.. the guy i go to is out of town... i'll do it next week, hopefully...
Woo Hoo! I just applied to transfer to another branch. Go Me!
good for you smile