So the last year has been full of two things.
Change, and more of the same.
At the beginning of August, we started planning (seriously) the big move to Vancouver - after so many years in Calgary, it was time for a change of scenery.
The last couple years in Calgary consisted, mostly, of me working a dead end job with no benefits for a pittance compared to what the job should have paid. The rest of the time, most of the time, I sat in front of my computer writing blog material, flirting, and bemoaning my misery with my relationship situation. There was time spent with friends and family, but it was too few and far between occasions - I was too busy putting bullshit text into my computer... working... and sleeping.
Hell, I lived with friends most of the time, and I barely saw them, which was a damned shame - they were wonderful friends and roommates, and I miss them dearly.
So the last year in Vancouver has been mostly the same - spending too little time with friends, but seeing them almost as often... spending too much time sitting in front of a computer, filling it with inane text, flirting, and worrying less about my relationship - it's getting better, slowly... which probably means I'm about to get dumped *lol* but hopefully not - it'd be nice to have some equity in the new place before I get kicked to the curb.
The biggest differences are these.
I have a job with opportunity for advancement and relocation, benefits, and a reasonable wage. It actually comes with a future, and international opportunities, which is rather foreign to me.
My friends, who I cherish, live 900km away.
My family, who I love dearly, mostly live about 900km away.
I finally have decent credit - it's taking time, but I've been a good, diligent consumer for over 5 years, paying everything on time.
I now need glasses, and I'm making forays into contacts as well.
I spend about the same amount of time in downtown Vancouver as I did before I moved here... more often, but in shorter spurts.
It doesn't get very cold here - and it doesn't stay cold at all. Rain = winter.
The end conclusion I've come to?
I miss my friends, and my family a great deal, but I don't miss Calgary... last time I was there, I loved seeing the people, but I didn't feel any sort of love for the city - which, to be honest, surprised me - my affection for Calgary has always been strong, and I thought I'd enjoy the city itself upon visiting. The last trip, I didn't at all. I don't think I could go back - 6 months ago it would have been possible, maybe even 4 months ago, but even without having bought a home, Calgary just isn't one anymore...
But I still have reasons to visit - and I will - just so happens that it's no longer about home, because I am home... it's about the love of friends and family.
I have a lot of growing to do, as a person.
I have a lot of learning to do - first things first, learning how to learn again - I've become lazy and complacent. It reflects in my writing, and I don't like it... it may very well be like riding a horse, but it's a big fucking horse, and the stirrups are pretty high up... I may need a boost.
Change, and more of the same.
At the beginning of August, we started planning (seriously) the big move to Vancouver - after so many years in Calgary, it was time for a change of scenery.
The last couple years in Calgary consisted, mostly, of me working a dead end job with no benefits for a pittance compared to what the job should have paid. The rest of the time, most of the time, I sat in front of my computer writing blog material, flirting, and bemoaning my misery with my relationship situation. There was time spent with friends and family, but it was too few and far between occasions - I was too busy putting bullshit text into my computer... working... and sleeping.
Hell, I lived with friends most of the time, and I barely saw them, which was a damned shame - they were wonderful friends and roommates, and I miss them dearly.
So the last year in Vancouver has been mostly the same - spending too little time with friends, but seeing them almost as often... spending too much time sitting in front of a computer, filling it with inane text, flirting, and worrying less about my relationship - it's getting better, slowly... which probably means I'm about to get dumped *lol* but hopefully not - it'd be nice to have some equity in the new place before I get kicked to the curb.
The biggest differences are these.
I have a job with opportunity for advancement and relocation, benefits, and a reasonable wage. It actually comes with a future, and international opportunities, which is rather foreign to me.
My friends, who I cherish, live 900km away.
My family, who I love dearly, mostly live about 900km away.
I finally have decent credit - it's taking time, but I've been a good, diligent consumer for over 5 years, paying everything on time.
I now need glasses, and I'm making forays into contacts as well.
I spend about the same amount of time in downtown Vancouver as I did before I moved here... more often, but in shorter spurts.
It doesn't get very cold here - and it doesn't stay cold at all. Rain = winter.
The end conclusion I've come to?
I miss my friends, and my family a great deal, but I don't miss Calgary... last time I was there, I loved seeing the people, but I didn't feel any sort of love for the city - which, to be honest, surprised me - my affection for Calgary has always been strong, and I thought I'd enjoy the city itself upon visiting. The last trip, I didn't at all. I don't think I could go back - 6 months ago it would have been possible, maybe even 4 months ago, but even without having bought a home, Calgary just isn't one anymore...
But I still have reasons to visit - and I will - just so happens that it's no longer about home, because I am home... it's about the love of friends and family.
I have a lot of growing to do, as a person.
I have a lot of learning to do - first things first, learning how to learn again - I've become lazy and complacent. It reflects in my writing, and I don't like it... it may very well be like riding a horse, but it's a big fucking horse, and the stirrups are pretty high up... I may need a boost.