The last few months have been pure chaos. Back working after a year and a bit off on disability, moved into a new apartment in the beltline (first time living alone, second time living in the area, although I've never lived quite this far downtown). Kaia is dealing pretty well with me being gone for 10 hours a day, and I'm loving the whole independent/living...
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Life it always changes

you'd think getting terrible news would be a downer, and it usually is - but sometimes, it's just knowledge, and a challenge.

I have this terrible tendency to blow up my life completely every 3-5 years... change what I do for a living, who I live with, everything. It's not a stable kind of life. It's a good life, don't get...
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I'm very sorry to hear about this, but glad that you seem calm and level headed about it, that's so admirable! I have a friend who was diagnosed as bi polar- it was a blow to her, but she at least knew what was causing her violent mood swings and had some control over it. Although that's a mental illness rather than physical, both can have a massive life changing effect- but as I said, you're amazing- good lluck and I hope things go okay for you x

PS. Your dog is adorable!
it's a challenge, but I'm quite certain it's one I can manage and thrive with - it's one of those things that makes you realize that you have the capacity and strength to not only get past it, but also to thrive

thank you so much!
cute!!!! i have a mini puppy too!
she doesn't look like a completely crazy little brat there, which she is - but she's pretty cute for a 15lb bundle of terror haha
so-so cutie) in love
she's a wonderful pup, I love her so much!
Been a long time... not a lot to tell

a few loves, a few heartbreaks, a few pounds... a life most ordinary

I want a new tattoo
New tattoos are always good
agreed! been a while since I've felt a needle
SO... it went to hell, shortly after I wrote that last entry, so still single *lol*

should have known better, been smarter, more careful, but I wasn't, and now it's done...

but life is still going well... have a good job, working with good people - I like who I am and what I'm doing.

no complaints, no problems
thank you smile
2 months of no working makes Patrick a very poor and not so happy camper.

but I met a girl.

she's young and beautiful and full of life... and she likes me <3

I don't know why... but it makes me happy - so happy

last week I was humping propane tanks at a new job... and this weekend, I'm flipping burgers at a children's...
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holy crap!! is that ever good news, at least a ferry trip is a really nice ride. i am soooo happy you found something nice<3
So later this month I'm moving again... not as much because I want to, as because I need to. Because, sadly, I can't afford to live the way I am right now, as I watch the debt levels growing faster than income can shrink it. I got an offer you see - free rent for a few months. Only condition? I have to move in...
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hey, haven't seen you around for a while...how are you?
it's so nice! you should update your journal, slacker!
If anyone's interested in having some graphic design projects worked on, or anyone in the Vancouver area needs any computer work done (including having one built...)

feel free to message me. Not that this place isn't full of computer geeks already - but hey, I'm good at what I do, and I love doing it smile
i don't remember if i already posted to you about this, but if you are ever heading down to seattle to see your friends, let me know! i'm always up for a road trip and it would be fun to hang out again.