I'm a pervert, and a freak in a lot of ways.
I like kink, and awkward situations, getting drunk and dancing like an idiot.
I like women with attitude.
I think a moment in my life that defines pretty well what kind of person I really am though, happened about 7 years ago.
Some friends and I were in a bar on 1st street in Calgary called "The Werx" (it's since been subdivided into 2 bars, neither as cool), a grungy rock bar with hot waitresses and cool bouncers, and a clientele about as bizarre as they come. And really filthy bathrooms - really, really filthy.
Anyways, we (my friends and I) decided there was far too little skin showing in the bar, so we took it upon ourselves to rectify the situation... or rather, I did.
Drunken me wandered through the bar, informing every girl I saw we were having a tummy contest, and we needed them all to hike their shirts up and pants down and show us their tummies, as we were looking for the best tummy in the bar. Every single girl (and some who weren't single I imagine) complied, and we were very thankful. In the end, the waitress (a stunning young lady named Andrea) was declared the winner, and we gave her a hard time for a bit, lots of hugs and then made our way out of the bar to go home.
On our way out, there was a table of kids (18-20) and one guy was going on about how he'd smoked so many rocks of crack, and done several lines of coke, and he was all fucked up on x and acid and how he was gonna try doing 5 rocks of crack later - they all looked impressed.
I sat down beside him, smiled, and told him he was a fucking moron.
He just looked stunned.
His girlfriend looks at me, and says "How the fuck dare you say that about my boyfriend"
My response to her?
Your boyfriend?
Do you like the guy?
She responded she did.
I asked her again
Do you like the guy?
She informed me that she did.
So I asked her - do you love him?
She said yes. Who the fuck are you to ask me these questions.
Somehow, I managed to have the entire group giving me their complete and undivided attention...
And here's what I told them.
"Listen. I may be a drunken asshole, and this guy could be the coolest guy in the world... but you're sitting here encouraging him to kill himself. You say you love him - well, a rock of crack can kill you, first puff. Do you really want him dead? I thought you liked him.
I say he's a fucking moron, because he's getting all fucked up and risking his life, just to impress all of you - that doesn't make him cool, that makes him a moron. You can do better than encourage him to die."
I looked back at the guy, and asked him if he wanted to die.
He shook his head.
I looked at the girl and asked her if she wanted to get rid of him.
She shook her head.
Then, I stated (to him), stop being such a fucking moron - your friends don't want you to die. You can get fucked up and have fun without risking your life.
Then I told them - watch out for this guy - he's a moron, and he'll be dead inside of a month if you encourage him to do this shit he's doing. It's up to him, but you're not helping. Have a great night.
I got up to leave.
The girlfriend got up and gave me a hug.
The moron shook my hand.
And we left.
I like kink, and awkward situations, getting drunk and dancing like an idiot.
I like women with attitude.
I think a moment in my life that defines pretty well what kind of person I really am though, happened about 7 years ago.
Some friends and I were in a bar on 1st street in Calgary called "The Werx" (it's since been subdivided into 2 bars, neither as cool), a grungy rock bar with hot waitresses and cool bouncers, and a clientele about as bizarre as they come. And really filthy bathrooms - really, really filthy.
Anyways, we (my friends and I) decided there was far too little skin showing in the bar, so we took it upon ourselves to rectify the situation... or rather, I did.
Drunken me wandered through the bar, informing every girl I saw we were having a tummy contest, and we needed them all to hike their shirts up and pants down and show us their tummies, as we were looking for the best tummy in the bar. Every single girl (and some who weren't single I imagine) complied, and we were very thankful. In the end, the waitress (a stunning young lady named Andrea) was declared the winner, and we gave her a hard time for a bit, lots of hugs and then made our way out of the bar to go home.
On our way out, there was a table of kids (18-20) and one guy was going on about how he'd smoked so many rocks of crack, and done several lines of coke, and he was all fucked up on x and acid and how he was gonna try doing 5 rocks of crack later - they all looked impressed.
I sat down beside him, smiled, and told him he was a fucking moron.
He just looked stunned.
His girlfriend looks at me, and says "How the fuck dare you say that about my boyfriend"
My response to her?
Your boyfriend?
Do you like the guy?
She responded she did.
I asked her again
Do you like the guy?
She informed me that she did.
So I asked her - do you love him?
She said yes. Who the fuck are you to ask me these questions.
Somehow, I managed to have the entire group giving me their complete and undivided attention...
And here's what I told them.
"Listen. I may be a drunken asshole, and this guy could be the coolest guy in the world... but you're sitting here encouraging him to kill himself. You say you love him - well, a rock of crack can kill you, first puff. Do you really want him dead? I thought you liked him.
I say he's a fucking moron, because he's getting all fucked up and risking his life, just to impress all of you - that doesn't make him cool, that makes him a moron. You can do better than encourage him to die."
I looked back at the guy, and asked him if he wanted to die.
He shook his head.
I looked at the girl and asked her if she wanted to get rid of him.
She shook her head.
Then, I stated (to him), stop being such a fucking moron - your friends don't want you to die. You can get fucked up and have fun without risking your life.
Then I told them - watch out for this guy - he's a moron, and he'll be dead inside of a month if you encourage him to do this shit he's doing. It's up to him, but you're not helping. Have a great night.
I got up to leave.
The girlfriend got up and gave me a hug.
The moron shook my hand.
And we left.
my sister is looking for a new place to stay so i prolly wont be over this week. i will have to wait for her to move first... but it's still on!