So Sunday night I was getting ready for bed, and there was someone at the door - and it was Amanda!!! (aka cuteshutterbug)
Fun!! We went out for a drink at the pub, then we went to Seattle for dinner (it's a bit of a drive just to go for dinner, but dinner was awesome), and we went for brunch this morning at IHOP, before I have to head off to work

She brought her roomies too, which was cool - Vicki and (if you read her journal) the c word woman
Which was cool - they were all well behaved, and seem to all be happy with the road trip, which I'm soooooooo happy they made *giggles*
I have to go get ready for work now
So Sunday night I was getting ready for bed, and there was someone at the door - and it was Amanda!!! (aka cuteshutterbug)
Fun!! We went out for a drink at the pub, then we went to Seattle for dinner (it's a bit of a drive just to go for dinner, but dinner was awesome), and we went for brunch this morning at IHOP, before I have to head off to work

She brought her roomies too, which was cool - Vicki and (if you read her journal) the c word woman

Which was cool - they were all well behaved, and seem to all be happy with the road trip, which I'm soooooooo happy they made *giggles*
I have to go get ready for work now

yep, i am tiny. and i REALLY hope you enjoy my cd