So on my way to Bellingham today to pick up my new shoes, I was listening to some talk radio - just wanted to hear some events, opinions, et cetera.
What I head was shocking, appalling, and frightening.
It was the Rush Limbaugh show, and it went beyond unintelligent propaganda - it was complete crap.
And the thing is, the information the guy filling in was providing wasn't all bad - he was a smart guy with some solid opinions. What was scary was he was taking very select soundclips of a guy sounding foolish (taken in context, he may or may not have - that's debatable) and then he said (to paraphrase between the lines)
This is what all Liberals and Democrats think. This is how ALL Liberals and Democrats feel. This is the AGENDA of ALL Liberals and Democrats.
ALL Liberals and Democrats feel the USA DESERVED 9/11, and should be punished with a series of more 9/11 style attacks.
ALL Liberals and Democrats hate America.
I know for a fact that this is entirely untrue.
The statement that the Democratic Senator looked like a fool after chastising Condelza (sp?) Rice for her evasive nature when it came to her original stance on invading Iraq... When in fact, Rice DID stand by and say the reason for attacking Iraq was WMD, and ONLY WMD... And then after none were found, she claimed she never said that, or intended it "that way"
Rice looked like the idiot, in that situation. All the Democratic Senator asked her to do was own up to her own evasive statements, and admit she'd made an error. Rice refused, and made herself a liar at the same time.
Whether or not everything she does is perfect after this, whether her record is outstanding... NOTHING can change the fact that she made some serious claims, and when they didn't pan out - she denied making those claims. She lied. I'm certain she'll be sure not to make that mistake in the future, maybe she IS the right person for the job - but calling her out, and asking her to admit blatant mistakes that were made BY HER on the public record is not being a fool.
I'm of Liberal leanings - not as in the Canadian Liberal government, because they're a bunch of ultra conservative jackasses for the most part - but as in I believe people should have the freedom to do as they wish - be it fall in love and marry someone of the same sex, which does nothing to hurt the "traditional family", be it smoke pot and walk into walls, or be it to sit behind a desk wearing a starched collar, making their hourly wage and feeling superior.
I do not, however, believe that it is EVER right to pidgionhole and entire political leaning (liberal, democrat, republican, conservative, whatever) as being a certain way, or believing certain things. It's goes beyond the level of ignorance I'd expect from the least educated, most biased human being that ever walked the earth - but coming from an apparently educated, coherent, well spoken man, it has the impact of showing the right in the US as the most serious fools to ever walk the earth.
Politics, religion, whatever - there is no black and white, and the sooner these people realize the earth is round, and the media is far from liberal - then maybe some problems will get solved.
This idiot made George Bush sound smart... And while Bush may indeed BE smart, he's never managed to sound it without speaking something someone else wrote.
What I head was shocking, appalling, and frightening.
It was the Rush Limbaugh show, and it went beyond unintelligent propaganda - it was complete crap.
And the thing is, the information the guy filling in was providing wasn't all bad - he was a smart guy with some solid opinions. What was scary was he was taking very select soundclips of a guy sounding foolish (taken in context, he may or may not have - that's debatable) and then he said (to paraphrase between the lines)
This is what all Liberals and Democrats think. This is how ALL Liberals and Democrats feel. This is the AGENDA of ALL Liberals and Democrats.
ALL Liberals and Democrats feel the USA DESERVED 9/11, and should be punished with a series of more 9/11 style attacks.
ALL Liberals and Democrats hate America.
I know for a fact that this is entirely untrue.
The statement that the Democratic Senator looked like a fool after chastising Condelza (sp?) Rice for her evasive nature when it came to her original stance on invading Iraq... When in fact, Rice DID stand by and say the reason for attacking Iraq was WMD, and ONLY WMD... And then after none were found, she claimed she never said that, or intended it "that way"
Rice looked like the idiot, in that situation. All the Democratic Senator asked her to do was own up to her own evasive statements, and admit she'd made an error. Rice refused, and made herself a liar at the same time.
Whether or not everything she does is perfect after this, whether her record is outstanding... NOTHING can change the fact that she made some serious claims, and when they didn't pan out - she denied making those claims. She lied. I'm certain she'll be sure not to make that mistake in the future, maybe she IS the right person for the job - but calling her out, and asking her to admit blatant mistakes that were made BY HER on the public record is not being a fool.
I'm of Liberal leanings - not as in the Canadian Liberal government, because they're a bunch of ultra conservative jackasses for the most part - but as in I believe people should have the freedom to do as they wish - be it fall in love and marry someone of the same sex, which does nothing to hurt the "traditional family", be it smoke pot and walk into walls, or be it to sit behind a desk wearing a starched collar, making their hourly wage and feeling superior.
I do not, however, believe that it is EVER right to pidgionhole and entire political leaning (liberal, democrat, republican, conservative, whatever) as being a certain way, or believing certain things. It's goes beyond the level of ignorance I'd expect from the least educated, most biased human being that ever walked the earth - but coming from an apparently educated, coherent, well spoken man, it has the impact of showing the right in the US as the most serious fools to ever walk the earth.
Politics, religion, whatever - there is no black and white, and the sooner these people realize the earth is round, and the media is far from liberal - then maybe some problems will get solved.
This idiot made George Bush sound smart... And while Bush may indeed BE smart, he's never managed to sound it without speaking something someone else wrote.
how do you have the same friend listed twice? That puzzles me.