NIN. ok.
ignore the venue, ingore those in seats, ignore the merchindise.
i saw NIN five years ago, the last time that he came out here at the BDO and well, it was amazing and brilliant and violent, blood was spilt that day.
and not a lot has changed since that time.
charting a course that included 'terrible lie', 'reptile', 'head like a hole', 'closer', 'hurt', 'into the void', 'starfuckers', 'with teeth', 'something i can never have' and a complete surprise in the form of 'dead souls' and maybe you could begin to get the impression of what NIN was like. It was a tight set, that was flawlessly executed and was total rock and roll. yes i know that NIN has that industrial and heavy edge, but they just rocked out.
this was a not just a fan based set but a music fan based set. These songs were all revamped without anything being markedly different, it was little things like the electronic beats that make up the background tapestry of NIN work had been updated using newer technology. Their intent as muscians remained the same and the resulting effect was amazing.
for those who haven't listened to 'with teeth' (do it now!) it is an amazing exploration into their previous work, and at times seems almost a response to many of the questions and issues raised in NIN's earlier song. much of the work actually including moments from those older tracks.
which made this concert extra special, because it enabled NIN to play such a variety of songs from their entire backlog. and they were flawless, the various intrument changes all made in the dark, whilst a spotlight was concentrating on someone else. then they smashed guitars and jumped off drumkits and ran around a stage backlit with these amazing led light setup that totally tripped you into the music, and of course NIN were all clad in black.
and after two hours they then blew an amp and a speaker and the concert was over.
that's rock and roll, baby.
and as for trent. he is brilliant. he can command an entire stadium and he was exceptionally gracious about it. this concert was different to the BDO, as it is obvious that trent is in a different place and sure he may not be all fucked up and twisted and running around watching dudes drill holes into their heads anymore. but he is still one of the most innovative and talented muscians and artists that i have ever had the pleasure to see.
i hope this satisfies the hungry and curious minds.
Z out.
ignore the venue, ingore those in seats, ignore the merchindise.
i saw NIN five years ago, the last time that he came out here at the BDO and well, it was amazing and brilliant and violent, blood was spilt that day.
and not a lot has changed since that time.
charting a course that included 'terrible lie', 'reptile', 'head like a hole', 'closer', 'hurt', 'into the void', 'starfuckers', 'with teeth', 'something i can never have' and a complete surprise in the form of 'dead souls' and maybe you could begin to get the impression of what NIN was like. It was a tight set, that was flawlessly executed and was total rock and roll. yes i know that NIN has that industrial and heavy edge, but they just rocked out.
this was a not just a fan based set but a music fan based set. These songs were all revamped without anything being markedly different, it was little things like the electronic beats that make up the background tapestry of NIN work had been updated using newer technology. Their intent as muscians remained the same and the resulting effect was amazing.
for those who haven't listened to 'with teeth' (do it now!) it is an amazing exploration into their previous work, and at times seems almost a response to many of the questions and issues raised in NIN's earlier song. much of the work actually including moments from those older tracks.
which made this concert extra special, because it enabled NIN to play such a variety of songs from their entire backlog. and they were flawless, the various intrument changes all made in the dark, whilst a spotlight was concentrating on someone else. then they smashed guitars and jumped off drumkits and ran around a stage backlit with these amazing led light setup that totally tripped you into the music, and of course NIN were all clad in black.
and after two hours they then blew an amp and a speaker and the concert was over.
that's rock and roll, baby.
and as for trent. he is brilliant. he can command an entire stadium and he was exceptionally gracious about it. this concert was different to the BDO, as it is obvious that trent is in a different place and sure he may not be all fucked up and twisted and running around watching dudes drill holes into their heads anymore. but he is still one of the most innovative and talented muscians and artists that i have ever had the pleasure to see.
i hope this satisfies the hungry and curious minds.
Z out.
and thank you.
something has changed in you. Yes, it has.