Happy Blood & Chocolate Day ya'll.... hope yer all findin' love, even if it's just for your self...... mmmmmm... selflove...
so the girl & I are both working tonite... note sure what/if we'll do anything after.... last nite was kind of our chance... she came in on a redeye at midnight... I spent time before at home making nice for her (you know, clean boy house, candles & flowers (mostly lilies) in every nook & cranny, a little sandlewood/NagChampa inscence, tasty snacks)... picked her up at LAX with a thermos full of cocktails & wearing little more than a kilt & a pair of Doc Martins... (yes... I went full Scottish
...pay back for the last time she picked me up at the airport:eek
... took her home and loved on her till about 3:30-4am which gave us both about 3 hours sleep.... nothin' like bein tired from lovin' too much
... just wanna leave ya'll with a few words that didn't come from a Hallmark card... words from a woman and a man who made it part of their life/truth to speak about love.... perhaps they will help us to remember that, as imperfect as our hearts can be, they may still be the most beautiful thing that we have to offer another...
"I love you not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I am with you.
I love you not only for what you have made of yourself,
but for what you are making of me.
I love you for the part of me that you bring out."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"Our love is like a well in the wilderness
where time watches over the wandering lightning.
Our sleep is a secret tunnel
that leads to the scent of apples carried on the wind.
When I hold you, I hold everything that is--
swans, volcanoes, river rocks,
maple trees drinking the fragrance of the moon,
bread that the fire adores.
In your life I see everything that lives."
Pablo Neruda
from mine to yours

so the girl & I are both working tonite... note sure what/if we'll do anything after.... last nite was kind of our chance... she came in on a redeye at midnight... I spent time before at home making nice for her (you know, clean boy house, candles & flowers (mostly lilies) in every nook & cranny, a little sandlewood/NagChampa inscence, tasty snacks)... picked her up at LAX with a thermos full of cocktails & wearing little more than a kilt & a pair of Doc Martins... (yes... I went full Scottish

... just wanna leave ya'll with a few words that didn't come from a Hallmark card... words from a woman and a man who made it part of their life/truth to speak about love.... perhaps they will help us to remember that, as imperfect as our hearts can be, they may still be the most beautiful thing that we have to offer another...
"I love you not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I am with you.
I love you not only for what you have made of yourself,
but for what you are making of me.
I love you for the part of me that you bring out."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"Our love is like a well in the wilderness
where time watches over the wandering lightning.
Our sleep is a secret tunnel
that leads to the scent of apples carried on the wind.
When I hold you, I hold everything that is--
swans, volcanoes, river rocks,
maple trees drinking the fragrance of the moon,
bread that the fire adores.
In your life I see everything that lives."
Pablo Neruda
from mine to yours
lucky girl.
Glad you got some lovin'