SG has been a big part of my life since discovering it back in 2003. The people I have been blessed to meet and call my friends and family, the places that I’ve gone, the things I’ve done, would never have been possible without SuicideGirls.
I was a dumb angry kid when I first joined the site. My life up to that point had been hard, cruel, and fast.. and I resented a lot. However, through the interaction of souls, I found peace and my place in life, and it changed everything. I owe a lot of who I am to @missy and @sean for creating this whole world that allows me the freedom to truly explore who I am and what I want from life.
Some of you know that I was diagnosed with technically 2 types of cancers; Barrett’s esophagus(a mass they found where my stomach meets my esophagus) and Essential Thrombocytosis(a rare blood cancer that also causes heart attacks and strokes). The things I’ve gone through this last year have made me all the more aware of my own mortality.
Last night, I almost didn’t go out. I had a hard day, was in a lot of pain, along with the usual nausea and lethargy.. and I wasn’t sure how I would be able to handle the night. Admittedly, I had a hard time pushing through, and involuntarily cried all night(the pain was really intense), but I am so grateful that I did. @leemalee and @bootease are the sweetest ever, and cheered me up. All of the girls were absolutely amazing and @jennings made me laugh harder than I’ve laughed in months.
Thank you, @suicidegirls.. for everything. Happy birthday, and have fun on tour!❤️