I just sneezed two times in a row, one more and I would have gone to the hospital.
threadless.com is having a ridiculous sale and I totally spent some mad cash. Also, Muse wanted a shirt that I wanted to buy for her because it was awesome and she's awesome and they deserve to be together in an awesome state of awesome.
I finally dinged 70 in the ol' World of Warcraft. Only took me forever.
my tooth is deciding to take a stand against me and start some sort of communist party in my mouth.
Wednesday needs to hurry up.
threadless.com is having a ridiculous sale and I totally spent some mad cash. Also, Muse wanted a shirt that I wanted to buy for her because it was awesome and she's awesome and they deserve to be together in an awesome state of awesome.
I finally dinged 70 in the ol' World of Warcraft. Only took me forever.
my tooth is deciding to take a stand against me and start some sort of communist party in my mouth.
Wednesday needs to hurry up.
I still have a panda picture for you