Why? Do you talk on your cellphone everywhere really loud? Do you say shit like "scope it into the matrix"? Do you take up two parking spaces? Do you call girls you don't know "babe." Do you tip less than 10 percent? Do you steal your neighbors newspaper? Do you talk about your trips to Europe and your SUV really fucking loudly? Do you sleep with girls and never call them back? Do you have an STD and no use condoms, and not care? Do you tell homeless people to "get a fucking job?" Do you neglect children who are trying to play with you? Do you flip out if your shoes get dirty? Do you rack up your friends long distance bill? Do you sleep with his girlfriend, or wife, or daughter, or mother? Do you cut in lines? Do you vote republican? Do you not vote? Do you steal credit for things that you did not do? Do you use up all the hot water when someone else is waiting to shower? Do you climax without caring if you get your partner off? Do you passively aggressively insult people? Do you brag? Do you whine?
Here's to you, you fucking cock.