oh my gawd smack my hands for taking this long to update!!!!!!!
Anyway, I got an A in my stats course and a B+ in my nutrition!!! Horrrrrraaayyyy...less stress....now registration and student loan applications to deal with and also working two jobs...wow stress just doesn't fuckin go away does it?!?! lol It's all good though because I am halfway through my program and it's all gravy from here on out!! I got my schedule for the fall and I am only in classes monday and tuesdays and in the hospital actually doing clinical stuff for the rest of the week!! The only problem is that I am doing medical/surgical this year and on medical pediatrics is included.....I don't do kids very well....they're so damn needy!!
Joe and I are doing great...coming up on two years together and it's unbelievable!! I feel like we've always been together even though we went through our own personal shit before we met....I swear I never believed in fate until now because I had a huge crush on Joe when I was 14-15yrs but we just weren't meant to meet until that night when I was 23 and he was just 29. I don't think I've ever told how we met...so here goes. I was just starting in the nursing program and working full time at the same time until my student loans kicked in. I was in school from 8-4 and then worked 4-10....went home studied for 5 hours then got up and did it all over again the next day....needless to say I had nnoooo time for anything but the basics and school. Before I proceed I just want to state that I had been single for some time and was content with the idea of being single for a little while longer. The only reason I came back to The Pas was to go to school and graduate and get the fuck out. Okay now moving on....a girl in the course with me decided that I needed an outing so she dragged me out to one of the local bars for drinks and dancing. I met up with old friends (which was awsome) and then all of the sudden Joe was sitting with us....I spent the next 5-10mins trying to figure out how I was going to introduce myself...he never knew me (i was too young) but he knew my older brothers. So that was my seg-way...."Hi! You don't know me but you know my brothers...I'm Becca" (IDIOT!! NOT THE GREATEST PICK UP LINE EVER BUT GODDAMN IF IT DIDN'T WORK!) We've been inseparable ever since and now I'm beyond thankful for the fact that I came back for school because I'm not only fulfilling my dream of being a nurse, I found my best friend and soulmate who I intend to be with forever.
I can't really think of anything else....my mind has been quite occupied later with work and my fucking piece of shit breaking down....I'll give my car this though...when he breaks he fuckin BREAKS!!
Well Anyway hope everyone is well and willing to forgive me for taking so damn long to update this!!
bye for now
Anyway, I got an A in my stats course and a B+ in my nutrition!!! Horrrrrraaayyyy...less stress....now registration and student loan applications to deal with and also working two jobs...wow stress just doesn't fuckin go away does it?!?! lol It's all good though because I am halfway through my program and it's all gravy from here on out!! I got my schedule for the fall and I am only in classes monday and tuesdays and in the hospital actually doing clinical stuff for the rest of the week!! The only problem is that I am doing medical/surgical this year and on medical pediatrics is included.....I don't do kids very well....they're so damn needy!!
Joe and I are doing great...coming up on two years together and it's unbelievable!! I feel like we've always been together even though we went through our own personal shit before we met....I swear I never believed in fate until now because I had a huge crush on Joe when I was 14-15yrs but we just weren't meant to meet until that night when I was 23 and he was just 29. I don't think I've ever told how we met...so here goes. I was just starting in the nursing program and working full time at the same time until my student loans kicked in. I was in school from 8-4 and then worked 4-10....went home studied for 5 hours then got up and did it all over again the next day....needless to say I had nnoooo time for anything but the basics and school. Before I proceed I just want to state that I had been single for some time and was content with the idea of being single for a little while longer. The only reason I came back to The Pas was to go to school and graduate and get the fuck out. Okay now moving on....a girl in the course with me decided that I needed an outing so she dragged me out to one of the local bars for drinks and dancing. I met up with old friends (which was awsome) and then all of the sudden Joe was sitting with us....I spent the next 5-10mins trying to figure out how I was going to introduce myself...he never knew me (i was too young) but he knew my older brothers. So that was my seg-way...."Hi! You don't know me but you know my brothers...I'm Becca" (IDIOT!! NOT THE GREATEST PICK UP LINE EVER BUT GODDAMN IF IT DIDN'T WORK!) We've been inseparable ever since and now I'm beyond thankful for the fact that I came back for school because I'm not only fulfilling my dream of being a nurse, I found my best friend and soulmate who I intend to be with forever.
I can't really think of anything else....my mind has been quite occupied later with work and my fucking piece of shit breaking down....I'll give my car this though...when he breaks he fuckin BREAKS!!
Well Anyway hope everyone is well and willing to forgive me for taking so damn long to update this!!
bye for now

The story of how you and Joe met was really sweet. Having met him once, I think he's an awesome guy. You're lucky, but then, so is he!
Gilby Clarke was a guitarist for Guns n Roses. Now he's part of a judging panel for Rockstar Supernova, a reality show where he, Jason Newsted formerly of Metallica and Tommy Lee from Motley Crue are looking for a vocalist for their new group, Supernova. I'm hideously addicted to the show now.
Being in AA has never been threatening to me, though I am aware that the whole "God thing" can sometimes be intimidating as some members like to shove that idea into the forground. What I believe-- is that yes, you do need to have a Higher Power, but it doesn't have to be God Himself. It can be the tree outside of your bedroom window-- just *something* that you can look to to calm you down, to talk to, etc. I've settled on my High Power being "All that is Love" because it's the strongest of our emotions. I try to think with it, speak with it, act with it. And when things go wrong, "What would LOVE do?"
The DaVinci Code, to me, took me to a world where I was CONSUMED by everything that the book had to offer. I've taken many French classes (in high school) and was familiar with the language and the country. I've also been an art student for the major part of my education (not a MAJOR of mine, but trust me, I'm schooled)-- so I was able to brush up on my Leonardo and found myself reading and turning to Google to look at paintings again to refresh my memory. Also, growing up with a religious education also helped. A lot. I've always had an open mind to Catholicism, and was familiar enough with the POINT of this book and knew about the controversy that it caused. It was, overall, a beautiful concerpt twisting around a "thriller/mysetery" sort of theme to keep the book moving along and was never boring. I read it in about a day and a half-- the first time that I've read so passionately in about 6 years... so not only did reading the book take me somewhere ELSE, it took me somewhere WITHIN MYSELF that I was able to explore.