Hey everyone!
It's been so nutso that I've been a bad girl with the emails and the blogs lol. I'm taking this class in intersession to go towards my degree and holy shit if my brain is so full of math that I forget what I'm really taking!! This class is for those who choose to take higher education once they are a BN. Cripes, i just want my BN for now....possible higher education later. Long term goal is to teach this shiza but for now i just want to be a nurse....and that means jumping through the hoop and taking this stats class. After this class I start Nutrition AKA GPA booster....doihhhh what's the Canada Food Guide?? What people don't seem to understand about big girls is that they probably know all there is to know about food and what's good for ya....we're just too lazy to use the tools!! Well anyway that's the case with me because I think I've been on a "diet" since I was 13!! The trick is lifestyle change but when you're in class 8 hours a day and then 4 hours of homework and then you and your honey keep the apartment clean and find a moment when neither of us is working to just sit on the couch and chat....well fuck exercise...for now.
My best friend's dad is getting married tommorrow and she's as miserable as miserable can be....but she's also driving me CRAZY!!! Short history: She got together with her first boyfriend back when we were like 18 or 19, had sex for the first time and got pregnant. Her boyfriend is/was a fucking loser and I hated his lazy, non supporting ass. He was a useless tit if I may. She stayed with him for 6 years for the sake of that poor kid but only made it worse because her kid now has fucknut's temper and attitude and is having behavioural issues at school. Now the whole world revolves around my best friend and noone else counts....everyone's out to get her....she's the first single mom EVER....ya know and more annoying shit like that!! So now her dad is getting married to a not so nice woman who, rumour has it, is a money grubbing whore and his wife (her mom) died 4 years ago of MS. Am I confusing anyone yet? My friend is draggin her heels and mad that the atttention is no longer on her pain and suffering but her dad's happiness and I don't know how to help her because if I say anything I'll be "one of them". Oi vay it's nice to get that out because she's my best friend but if i were to say this to any of my other friends RUMOURFEST 2006 would begin faster than a jackrabbit on a date!!
Thanks for letting me pick at your ears and sorry for the novella.....
It's been so nutso that I've been a bad girl with the emails and the blogs lol. I'm taking this class in intersession to go towards my degree and holy shit if my brain is so full of math that I forget what I'm really taking!! This class is for those who choose to take higher education once they are a BN. Cripes, i just want my BN for now....possible higher education later. Long term goal is to teach this shiza but for now i just want to be a nurse....and that means jumping through the hoop and taking this stats class. After this class I start Nutrition AKA GPA booster....doihhhh what's the Canada Food Guide?? What people don't seem to understand about big girls is that they probably know all there is to know about food and what's good for ya....we're just too lazy to use the tools!! Well anyway that's the case with me because I think I've been on a "diet" since I was 13!! The trick is lifestyle change but when you're in class 8 hours a day and then 4 hours of homework and then you and your honey keep the apartment clean and find a moment when neither of us is working to just sit on the couch and chat....well fuck exercise...for now.
My best friend's dad is getting married tommorrow and she's as miserable as miserable can be....but she's also driving me CRAZY!!! Short history: She got together with her first boyfriend back when we were like 18 or 19, had sex for the first time and got pregnant. Her boyfriend is/was a fucking loser and I hated his lazy, non supporting ass. He was a useless tit if I may. She stayed with him for 6 years for the sake of that poor kid but only made it worse because her kid now has fucknut's temper and attitude and is having behavioural issues at school. Now the whole world revolves around my best friend and noone else counts....everyone's out to get her....she's the first single mom EVER....ya know and more annoying shit like that!! So now her dad is getting married to a not so nice woman who, rumour has it, is a money grubbing whore and his wife (her mom) died 4 years ago of MS. Am I confusing anyone yet? My friend is draggin her heels and mad that the atttention is no longer on her pain and suffering but her dad's happiness and I don't know how to help her because if I say anything I'll be "one of them". Oi vay it's nice to get that out because she's my best friend but if i were to say this to any of my other friends RUMOURFEST 2006 would begin faster than a jackrabbit on a date!!
Thanks for letting me pick at your ears and sorry for the novella.....

A rabbit eh? You should get one, they are sweet and loving. I had a polish dwarf bunny and she was darling.
Alright, I will talk to you later then. Have a great weekend!